Arc I: Chapter II

Start from the beginning

Snapping me out of my thoughts...
I lifted my head and looked up, forcing a smile as best as I could.

 I lifted my head and looked up, forcing a smile as best as I could

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(Marry m-)

"Hum." The emperor hummed, giving me a single glance, before telling the eunuch to continue.

One by one everyone was presented..

And then, it was her turn too. The one, who peaked my curiosity.
"Aiko Mei Satchi." The Eunuch introduced the girl. "The granddaughter of Mei Satchi, the duke of the past family."

I- Did not see that coming, it was shocking in the least, however I had other things to worry about at the moment.

Because, our fate was sealed. Due to that man, the emperor and.. His mere words. Possibly even, my future husband.

'After this, we'll know if we made the cut or not..'

'I honestly don't care...
Whatever the outcome may be..
It won't change my damn ending.'
I thought to myself, with an insincere smile, appearing on my face.

"And thus, the emperor has decided that, ..."
The eunuch starting stating names.. Conveying titles.. Ranks.

I didn't really listen to him..
My life flashing before my eyes..
Before I heard a sudden shout.

"Impudence!! Accept the royal degree of his majesty!"
The eunuch suddenly shouted.. at me-??

I quickly fell to my knees, asking for forgiveness and accepting that darn royal degree.

"Please excuse this subject impudence your majesty!! I was shortsighted and didn't see your glory.. I, Chán Juān, your loyal subject, shall accept your degree!!"
I stated, while kneeling and having my arms held up to accept the royal degree.

I dared myself to take a short glimpse of his majesty and our eyes met..
He.. looked coldly at me, as if looking at a mere insect.. a toy.

I quickly snapped out of it and didn't dare to look at him again. Sweat slowly forming on my back.

After that exhausting ordeal..
I was led to my residence.

One of the palace maids bowed to me and stated.
"Noble Consort, his majesty will not be coming today, you can head to bed."

She waited for me to acknowledge what she stated, before leaving.

"Hum." I hummed and she gracefully, yet quietly left.




I waited a few more moments, before making sure I was alone.


I let out a big sigh and decided to go on a walk, in 'my' garden now. My new 'home'.

'I only got this high of a position because of who my father is..'

At least, that's my opinion. Something else wouldn't make any sense.

The wind was coldly blowing through my hair as I watched the sunset, with yearning eyes.

The wind was coldly blowing through my hair as I watched the sunset, with yearning eyes

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And thus...
Two years passed, in the blink of an eye.


LISTEN, DON'T COME AT ME- I'LL EXPLAIN THE TIME SKIP- (and apologize for the big time skip- Because I also usually hate those- ANYWAYS)

next chapter...



I'm an insecure about my work, especially since it's my first proper one. Anyways, I just hope you like it thus far.

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