The lights dimmed in the theater before all of the stage lights erupted and lit the stage. The play began, as Genji stood in the side area, helping the actors. Attaching accessories, fixing mics, and catching clothes from quick changes. Soon enough it was the scarecrow scene, Genji took a second, watching the stage. He saw Brigitte on a tree set piece with a few other girls. The song soon began, with a choreographed dance, Genji was impressed, he didn't take Brigitte for a dancer but she was doing well, He enjoyed the scene a light near the side began to flicker, and eventually go out entirely. The actors were undoubtedly confused, continuing the dance even with a third of the stage covered in darkness. The number ended and the actors continued on, suddenly a tap on his shoulder alerted Genji. "Hey, Reinhardt needs all the techs." he said, Genji nodded and walked to the theater room.

Reinhardt had a simplified version of the stage drawn on a piece of paper, making things down. "We need to move all of the set pieces to the right, and stack dancers in more lines." He said to one of the Techs, She looked stressed as if her hair would fall out at any time, "But sir there's too many dancers, we'd have to cut out a lot of the ensemble to do that" she replied. Genji approached the table "What happened?" Genji asked, Reinhardt, kept making marks on the paper, "The light died" He said, "The blub just got changed, so I'm guessing the power cord corroded or got cut." Reinhardt finished. Genji looked at the paper, if the cast was to follow the instructions, about half of the ensemble would be cut. "Why can't we just fix the cord?" Genji asked. Reinhardt handed the sheet to the tech and she ran to the stage to spread the word, "Unless you have a 30-foot ladder, we cant reach it" He replied, cracking his knuckles. Genji looked towards the stage entrance, a few ensemble members have already come out, faces with disappointment and anger.

"What type of cord is it" Genji asked, Reinhardt, looked at him in confusion. "One of the standard power cords in storage, why?" He replied Genji nodded "Thanks, I'll have it up and running in 10" Before walking towards the storage closet, Reinhardt followed him "Genji what the hell are you doing." He said, "Noting really, just checking stuff out." He said playing coy. Reinhardt kept right behind him, "If you're doing what I think you're doing then I'm going to throw you out of the department!" Reinhardt exclaimed in a hushed whisper. "Yeah sure you will" Genji replied, walking into the area behind the stage hidden from the audience. The two arrived near the broken light, "Alright I'll be back in a bit" Genji said. Before Reinhardt could interject, Genji was already scaling the wall, power cord in his back pocket, Genji used all he could to scale the wall. nails, a few pipes, and curtains that blocked the view to the back. Genji scaled three-quarters of the wall with ease. He reached the final stretch, but as he examined the wall, he was out of luck, no foot holds, nothing to grab onto. "Shit" He whispered to himself, he could use the energy of the Shimada Dragon to dash, but it would most likely destroy the ceiling tile. He looked around, examining for anything to latch onto but no dice, until he looked at the wall itself, the cinderblocks that the school was built from, there were slight divots in the wall, lines not even big enough to fit a dime. It was a long shot, but he figured he should try. Placing his fingers into the divots, his cybernetic strength gripped the indentions and he climbed slowly, but still making it to the top, moving the white tile to the side and entering the ceiling.

Sneaking up, he grabbed a pipe for support, keeping as little weight on the tile as possible. "Holy shit" He thought to himself looking at his robotic arm, as much as he despised this body, it sure came with a few advantages. Genji crawled in the ceiling, approaching the tile above the broken light, taking it off, Genji got a good view of the light, the cord was hanging on by just a few wires, wear and tear catching up the cord. Genji switched the cords, and retreated to his entrance, he looked down looking for a clear area to jump down. Seeing an area clear of any set pieces, he jumped down, landing clear on his feet. He expected a large crash but instead, just a soft thud, one that did not match the height of the fall. Walking to the nearest outlet, Genji plugged in the cord, making the light burst to life. Reinhardt let out a sigh, "You do this again, and I'll have a word with Morrison, but for now you're off the hook" He said sternly "Odd way to say thank you but I'll take what I can get" Genji replied

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