Chapter 6

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Reinhardt shut the door and closed the blind, "Brigitte you're being serious right?". Brigitte started pacing "Yeah I am" she responded. Reinhardt rubbed the temple of his forehead. "This is gonna be complicated" Reinhardt sighed "If anyone gets wind of this there's gonna be an investigation" Brigitte looked shocked "seriously?!" she exclaimed. "Yep" Reinhardt said "when you sign the papers to attend you get a lot of leeway when it comes to vigilante laws, but in return you lose a lot of personal rights, especially when you get seriously injured." Brigitte looked nervous, "So that's what all the paperwork said." she chuckled nervously. Reinhardt looked at her sternly, "Brigitte, for now this is going to stay between us and Zenyatta" Brigitte looked stunned "Why?" Reinhardt sighed "Jack is a good man, but with the thin ice Genjis has been on." he went silent "I'm scared he'll expel him" Brigitte looked at the floor. "Ok I won't tell anyone". Reinhardt nodded "Good, I'm telling Zenyatta, hopefully he can get more information and we can figure out what really happened"


Tracer rode home on her bike, the sun was setting and she could see the moon. She wished the air was warmer though. She arrived home, parking she wondered though her apartment reaching her door. Though it was already unlocked, Tracer hesitantly looked through the door. She heard a familiar voice "Dammit! Where does she keep the bloody plates?" Tracer smiled as she opened the door "Love you are terrible at surprises" she exclaimed as she entered seeing what she could only describe as a massacre of flower and cake batter. Emily turned around, a mix of happiness and disappointment filled her face, before she started rambling. "I wanted to make you a cake so I threw some flower and eggs together, before I realized that I don't know how to make a cake from scratch so I got a box mix-" Emily keeps rambling for a solid minute before she pushes a pancake with the words "I love you" with a heart written in tiny chocolate chips. Tracer giggled as she looked at it "I love you to" she said before giving her a kiss.

Emily put the final dish in the dishwasher, "Finally that disaster is over" she said with a sigh of relief. Tracer sat the freshly ordered pizza on the coffee table "Hey! It was cute" she exclaimed as she started eating. Emily sat down next to her, "Man, I'm so excited to be here!" Emily squealed as she took a slice. Tracer nodded "When did we start planning this?" Tracer asked. Emily looked as if she was taking an exam, "Man that's a tough one, maybe like? 7th grade" tracer let out an exasperated breath "Man we've been together that long?" Tracer asked. Emily laughed "Yeah maybe even longer if you count the kiss we had the summer before!" Tracer groaned, "Ugh don't remind me of that" she said. Emily laughed "No no no, I remember it in full technicolor." Emily stood up and proceeded to act out in her worst impression "Hey Emily! I've been thinking, if we want are first kisses to be good then why don't we just?" Emily said before breaking out cackling Tracer groaned and rolled her eyes "I can't believe I ever thought I was straight" Tracer thought to herself before feeling Emily jumping into her lap.

Emily turned her head over to meet Tracer's head. Before putting her hand on her chronal accelerator. "I was there you know" Emily said. Tracer was shocked "When I was.." Emily nodded "I was so scared I was gonna lose you" Emily said tracing her hand around the device. "Emily I-" Tracer started before appearing in the bathroom. "Dammit!" she shouted before running out "Babe! You alright?" Emily was getting up from the middle of the room. "You took me with you!" She shouted out, Tracer looked in awe, "I-I did?" Emily shot up "Yeah I saw blue and when I looked to my right I saw blue copies of my going for-for-forever!" Tracer stood there surprised "I had no idea that could happen" She muttered out. Emily walked over to her, "Hey, I'm alright. I'm ok!" Emily whispered to Tracer as she hugged her "Lena I am ok" she whispered. Tracer hugged her back. Emily guided Tracer to bed, before laying down with her. "You'll be ok" Emily said as she stroked Tracers hair.


Lucio put the finishing tie on his skates before grabbing his bag from his locker. But before he could leave about four of the track members cut him off. "Hey fellas something up?" He asked. "Yeah somethings up" The middle guy said "Why do you keep letting that freak keep coming to hang out at the meets!" Lucio could taste the bitterness. "I don't know of any freaks" Lucio said, gritting his teeth "But I do know a Genji Shimada". One of the guys scoffed. "Look I get it! You owe the guy he helped get your music popular in America" He said "But that guy's more robot than human" Lucio was nearly at his breaking point. The last guy nodded in agreement "Yeah! The only thing the guy had to offer in the first place was his bank account, but now the guy's a homeless bum!" Lucio wiped his head towards him "What!" He screamed at the guy. The guys looked at him nervously, "You come in here! Insult my friend, Call him a freak, and have the audacity to make fun of him for being broke!?" Lucio was screaming at them, the rest of the team was surrounding them. "Not only are you three off the team! But if I ever see you back on this field I will beat your ass all around the track!'' The three started protesting before Lucio reached into his bag and pulled out what seemed to be a modded speaker, pressing a button and launching a beat that forced the three out the door. Lucio put up the speaker and skated to the three, "And stay out!" he said before slamming the door.

Lucio skated towards Genji, "Hey man!" he exclaimed, Genji responded "Yo". The two began heading towards Lucio's car, "How have you been man? Everything alright?" Genji took a deep breath "The honest answer?" he said "Pretty shitty but I'm alive and kicking" Lucio patted his back, a few clangs being heard "Thank you for the ride Lucio" Genji said. "Don't stress it man!" Lucio said "I'm just glad you're getting checked up on with that metal being temperamental and all" They hopped in his car and hit the road.

Lucio pulled in the strip, mostly empty except for a small building that still looked used, although it was unnamed. Genji thanked Lucio again and hopped out, heading towards the building. Genji walked in and started calling out "Angela!". Shortly he heard a voice from the back, "I'm here in the back Genji!" Genji made his way to the back of the building, when he arrived he saw a beautiful blonde woman working on what seemed to be a small pistol. "Hello Angela" Genji said, sitting down in front of her. Angela stopped working and sat up straight, "Hi Genji, how is your new body holding up?" She asked, grabbing a clipboard and pen. Genji let out a long sigh, "I feel I'm on thin ice" Genji admitted. Angela nodded "Anything unusual?" She asked, Genji shook his head. "Are you still suffering from pains?" she asked, "Yep" he responded. Angela wrote down the rest of her notes. She placed the clipboard down, and contemplated for a second. "Genji, i'm not supposed to tell you this but..." She began, "But the body you have now is a prototype. Genji shot up "What!" he exclaimed. Angela nodded "The world isn't new to having robotic limbs. But a robotic implant of your size has never been done before." Genji listened closely "So when me and Eric designed your body it was sure to have flaws, but with the new design we made it's gonna make you better than you ever were!" Angela looked so enthusiastic that Genji didn't even have to think twice "Let's do it" he said. Angela smiled widely, "Alright so I'm almost done with my mission here so as soon as I get back November first We can get you suited up!" she said.

The duo talked a little bit longer before Genji left, His park is close by. So he did his routine, washed his clothes, got some food, even bought a new blanket as the homeless bums stole his last one. Genji walked towards his bench, and sat down. He opened up his wallet and took out a piece of paper, and while he had already memorized it, the reminder kept him going. The paper read coordinates in the city, The Shimada clan's favorite drug dealing zones, arm dealing zones, and even a couple production buildings. Finally he could take down the bastards he called his family, He hoped in his soul that this new body could let him do that.

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