Chapter 5

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Genji woke up to the light purring of tools and his alarm. He sat up, and stretched out. He groaned a tad from his sore right arm, he still felt the lingering pain from his cleaning. Getting up he wandered out into the main workshop. He saw Brigitte buffing out the back of a motorcycle. Finishing up she turned around and saw Genji. "Morning sleepy head!" she exclaimed, giving him a hug. "Did you stay up all night?" he asked, She let go and chuckled "Not my first all nighter and certainly not the last." she said walking over to a coffee maker. "Want some?" she said, filling a spare mug. Genji accepted chugging the black coffee. Brigitte looked disgusted "Really? Pitch black?" she snarked adding powdered creamer to hers. "Like my soul" Genji said, Brigitte giggled. "So is this yours?" Genji asked checking out the bike. Brigitte finished adding an ungodly amount of sugar and shook her head, nah just a small restoration job. Client actually needs me to drop it off, at Overwatch High actually. She said sipping her coffee, wanna ride it there with me? She offered. Genji looked at her in amazement, "Seriously!" he exclaimed. She finished her coffee "Hell yeah, Go into the other room real quick I gotta change" she said and Genji waited in the other room until she gave him the ok.

She had changed into leather pants with a leather jacket, it looked expensive, like it could take a beating. She tossed him a spare helmet, and she grabbed on as well. "There's a garage door in the back, we gotta take it back there" she said. They walked to the back, opening the shutter door and shutting it. The back of the garage was a simple lot leading into the road. Brigitte hopped on putting on her helmet, "Come on hop on!". Genji put his helmet on and hopped on behind her, he tried keeping distance but Brigitte grabbed his arms and wrapped them around her waist. "Can't have you falling off" she exclaimed. She turned the key and the motar roared to life, she revved the engine, put it into gear and started down the road.

The wind struck against him and after hitting a small pothole Genji latched on tighter to Brigitte. The drive was actually really peaceful, surprisingly. Something about being on the open road on a bike just made him feel calmer. Brigitte took the exit and went through the entrance of the school, finally parking in the student parking up on a hill. "So how did you like it?" she asked as she took off her helmet. Genji hopped off "It was fun!" he said, "I may have to get me one of these" he joked. Brigitte chuckled "Really? From how tight you were holding on to me I would have thought you were scared" she teased. Genji laughed "It was only the pothole" they chatted back and forth heading to the entrance. The school was pretty much empty except for some early risers heading in as well. "You're gonna be a student soon right?" Genji asked. Brigitte nodded "Next semester yes", She responded. "Well let's get you a tour!" Brigitte was a bit unsure seeing how she didn't know if she was enrolled yet, but she kept this to herself as she still wanted to see the school. They walked through, Genji told her about everything about the school from o old rumors to even the vending machine that gave you extra food. They walked through the main hall looking at the classrooms before a poster caught Brigittes eye, "Play sign ups?' she said looking at the sheet. Genji looked over, reading the play "Wizard Of Oz", Genji chuckled "Brings me back" He commented. "Would you sign up again?" Brgitte asked. Genji took a second. "I don't know" He started before being cut off by the door opening up revealing a tall broad man. "Why not? We always need more in the arts!" Brigitte gasped "Reinhardt!" she exclaimed "It's been forever! What have you been up to?" Reinhardt chuckled "Helping out overwatch wherever I can!" He responded, Before looking at Genji, "If you feel like auditioning, come by today before 7" he said. Reinhardt and Brigitte had a quick chat before Genji and Brigitte continued through the school. "Sooooo" Brigitte said, nudging his arm. "What?" he asked. "Are you gonna audition?" she asked. Genji stayed silent for a while. Brigitte was unsatisfied with his lack of answer, "Ok you don't have to say so now, but let me know if you do cause if you do I will as well!" she proclaimed. Genji chuckled "Thanks Brigitte i'll let you know"

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