Chapter 14

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 Cole started his engine and hit the road, he put on a classic rock station and made the speed limit look like a joke. "Damn it!" He thought "Ashe knows the kind of trouble breaking a deal with the Shimadas can cause, so why is she doing this!". He pulled off onto the exit and sped down until he arrived at an abandoned warehouse. He closed and locked his door, taking out his phone and texting Ashe. "Hey I'm here" he messaged, quickly a message came back, "Come on in, someone's going to open the door for you". The door to the warehouse opened, Cole was about to enter before a bad feeling spread through his body. He went to his trunk and opened it, he grabbed a revolver, some spare ammo, and three flashbangs. He also sent a text to Honzo, "Hey, this thing with Ashe seems sketchy, I'll let you know if things are alright" he also pinned his location. "Welp, as long as I don't die he won't need that" he joked to himself. He went through the door and entered the warehouse, the door closed behind him with a slam. He turned around to see Bob, Ashe's Omnic butler standing by the door. The room was filled with crates, along with various people besides Ashe, who was sitting on the carte in the center of the room.

"Cole Cassidy!" Ashe exclaimed, "It's been forever how have you been!". Cole paced a few steps "I'm fine Ashe, how are you and these. newbies?" he asked. There were four people in the room, three he recognized from the ability class he was in. Akande, Amelie, and an unnamed classmate, the other was a woman he's never seen before. "Oh, these are a few people who, let's just say, wanna collaborate.". Cole looked at them all, "I know you two so how about the rest." he demanded. "The name is Sombra, and that's all you need to know!" The girl had dyed purple hair and was wearing an alternative inspired outfit, her voice filled with sass. The other woman however walked up to Cole and stuck out her hand shaking his firmly. "My name is Moira O'Deorain, Ashe has told me you are quite the combatant". "Nice to meet you, miss" Cole responded, she was clearly in her early forties which was odd as the rest of this crew was in their teens. "So! Ashe let's address the elephant in the room" he said, "Why are you back in town, the Shimadas are already pissed I'm still on the ground here.". Ashe leaped off the crate, "Well Cole, it's simple" She started "Money!". Cole nearly rolled his eyes, "Of course." he thought to himself. "Cole, Our profits went down by 30% Because of this little deal!" She Growled, Cole sighed with frustration "Ashe, just because we're losing a little money doesn't mean we can start sending our guys into useless fights!" Cole exclaimed. Ashe chuckled "Cole, it isn't gonna be useless, if we take down the shimadas, then we'll be able to fill that void!" she protested. Ashe gestured to the other people in the warehouse, "Not only that we have some help!". Akande stepped forward "Talon and Deadlock have a common interest, the destruction of the Shimada crime family". Cole scowled at the idea of working with Talon "Why do you want it gone" Cole questioned, "They're bothersome to our operations" Akande answered upfront. Cole scoffed "Ashe do you even know their operations? They're into bad shit" He warned. "Like we aren't!" Ashe retorted, "Ashe I'm not gonna stand here and work with them" Cole exclaimed. Ashe's brow furrowed "Look Cole, we need their help for this operation, If you can't accept that then you can leave". Cole scoffed "Fine, Lose my number. I'm done with Deadlock". Ashe looked genuinely surprised as Cole headed towards the door, Before he was stopped by Akande

"The decision is yours to leave, but I'm afraid you know too much." Akande said standing in front of his door, Cole backed up a few paces realizing he was surrounded by the Talon students. Ashe whistled in a high pitch tone "Look! Cole can be trusted, even if he leaves he knows not to snitch" Ashe yelled at Akande, Moira chimed in as well, "I agree, resorting to violence will solve nothing". Akande took a glance at the crew, "Nah." He said, before winding up a fist and throwing a punch at Cole.

Cole dodged at the right second, hitting the ground and rolling away. A shot rang out near his head, As Amelie manned a sniper slowly getting farther away until she was against the wall. Cole took out his Revolver, cocking the hammer he took aim and shot towards her. The bullet missed barely making her stumble, He took the opportunity to rush towards a stack of boxes for cover, Small pellets of bullets barraged Near him as Sombra emptied an SMG clip. He leaned against the boxes taking a breath, "Bob! Get in there and give Cole cover!" Ashe shouted. Cole took a look over to see Bob running over to Cole. "Sorry, Bob!" Sombra shouted before what looked like physical strings of code struck Bob causing him to fall over limp. "Ashe, if you stop now I'll forget you ever did that!" Akande shouted at her. Cole took his opportunity peaking from cover aiming at Akande and nailing a shot right into his shoulder. Akande didn't even yelp as he got shot, just a simple grunt before looking right back at Cole. Cole ducked, Dodging a shot from Amelie, he reached behind him and grabbed a flashbang, pulled the pin, and readied his throw. Suddenly he felt the flashbang get smacked out of his hand, he looked around and saw no one. He rushed away, getting tripped by what was seemingly thin air. He covered his ears and closed his eyes, the bang going off with minimal damage. He got up slowly only to feel a kick to his side, instinctively grabbed his gun, and shot in the direction. A loud cry arose and Sombra flashed into view before disappearing again in code. Cole heard her whales from afar. "A teleporting brat, a strong arm dipshit, and a sniper. Yeah seems fair to me" He thought to himself.

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