"He's 10 months." I give her a toothy smile.

"Well your parents have very handsome genes." Your parents.

"They do." I give her an awkward smile, not bringing her up on the error and pay for my groceries as quick as I can and head out to the parking lot, loading the back of my car with the many bags of food I bought, my arms dead from all the weight.

I load Reese back into his car seat, following suit right after and make my way to my favorite place.


"What one should mama get Reese?" Rocking him in my arms. He doesn't respond but instead he lays his head on my chest and grabs onto my shirt, indicating he's hungry once again.

"Well that leaves one of us." I grab a bouquet of pink roses and walk up to the counter.

"You're back again." Margret, the owner of the flower store, smiles.

"I can never resist going to my favorite place everyday." She hands me the bouquet that's now wrapped with a brown paper around the plastic film.

"How many times have I said this Blair, you need to go live your life and stop spending all your time at a stupid flower shop, be a free teenager despite all the challenges you may face. You only live once Blair make it fun." She sends me another one of her motherly smiles, warming my heart at the small action.

"Goodbye Margret." I ignore her previous statement and walk out the glass door, the rusty bell ringing from above. "I'll see you soon."

"What am I going to do with you." I hear her mutter before leaving the store on the corner of the street.

Ever since I moved here at the start of highschool I've visited Margaret's flower shop almost 4 times a week, I would spend all my money on flowers every afternoon after school, or some days just sit and chat with her even helping her run it.

I'd listen to all her stories about her late husband and her children who have moved away, on with their own lives, and she's listened to my stories. The ones from when I was younger and life wasn't so black and white and the whole time I was pregnant I'd make time to visit her, even when I was meant to be on bedrest.

I watched her hair turn from brown to gray and she watched Reese grow from the day I found out I was pregnant.


The monsterous heels on my feet beg to be taken off but as much as I'd love to be at home with my baby I need to work so I can make sure he grows up with everything he needs and to prove to all those sexist assholes that I don't need a significant other to fend off of, and prove my younger self that it all works out.

I know that when I get home I'm only going to get a couple hours of sleep before needing to wake up and take on my motherly responsibilities.

At first sitting at school all day and working all night was exhausting, especially with a newborn but after the first 5 months or so it became easier and staying up for more than 24 hours at a time became a piece of cake for me.

"You're on stage 3 in five minutes." My manager calls from the doorway in the locker room. I touch up my highlighter before walking out of the locker room, fixing my lingerie while I walk down to stage 3, swinging my hips more than necessary.

Thirsty eyes scan up and down my body, at all the exposed skin showing under the dim lights of the club. I attach myself onto the pole, walking around beging swinging myself up and latching onto the pole fully.

The first few months I was excited to work and get all this money but also a little creeped out over all the looks I'd get from guys. But after working here almost every night for months I eventually got drained of everything, no more exaggerated smiles or energetic energy throughout the night and even though I get more stares now they don't even bother me as much as they used too.

I've had many good nights and many bad nights at the club. I've seen many girls waltz in here thinking they'd stay here forever but after they realize how toxic, disgusting and draining this job is, they'd walk out 2 weeks.

I only do it for my family.



𝐓𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐨 𝐔𝐬 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭Where stories live. Discover now