The Power of the Mind

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When we think, we see this act in terms of the conscious mind. However when a thought is substantiated, it does so first in the subconscious mind. What is the subconscious mind? All mind is One Mind.

When we think, we think through a Universal Creative Medium, a receptive energy which surrounds us on all sides, and flows through us. When we think, we think through and into the Universal Mind producing points of mental activity within it. We exist as the universal mind split into individual minds. We think as a universal conscious mind through the Universal Subconscious. As each person thinks, he or she is building around himself a mental atmosphere. Nothing can enter unless he or she allows it to, whether conscious or unconscious.

There is no other place that we could think, since the Universal Mind is Omnipresent. Everything exist as projections in the external world from within ourselves. The experience of internal thought to external projection is an experience in our Mind.

Our heart is the source of our subconscious mind. The Universal mind is the key to understanding what it means when we say someone is always with us because that person is in our heart. Even though we may see, hear and touch someone, this is nearly a way of experiencing each other through physical form. Spirit energy manifests by way of how we experienced each other physically, ensuring our connection to each other no matter where we are. There is no separation.

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