The Power of Reality (Part 2)

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Most people believe that the physical universe is the basis of our reality and wish to separate it from the mental planes of reality. But the physical universe is really not as physical as it seems. In fact, it is just another layer of the mental universe. Time and space does exist not only in the physical universe, but also on other planes of reality. However it is experienced somewhat differently on those planes.

Envision the entire universe is a hologram and the physical world is a simulation in which all levels of reality are part of the same program. Everything physical is only a concept in the universal mind of God. As he imagines it to be, we experience it to be.

Reality is a mental construct within this simulation. The rules of physics exist to "govern" how the physical universe operates. The universal mind which governs these laws of the physical universe only allows it them to be superceded when it permits.

Science studies the physical world and how to work with it. We need to follow the rules of any system when we are in it, in order to function within it. However the physical world is only a simulation that provides logic and order to how reality operates. This simulation masks how true reality operates. We do not actually see with our eyes to our brains. Rather we sense energy with our mind. We absorb energy from the universal field of energy. We perceive everything with consciousness.

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