The chase

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He had finally found where we where hiding in the cave! The little one was trying to push me out a opening in the back of the cave as fast as he possibly could , but he was faster! He charged at me and the little one! I screamed for my life and ran out the small opening! He was way to big for now to even get past the opening! They are fighting, I heard the ear bleeding sounds of little screeching out in pain, I stop in my tracks and turn around to try and see where I was and if they had followed! It's a dark cold night but the forest was light up by the strawberry moon. It's dark damp and eerie in this part of the forest, fog close to the ground about ankle level! Thicker then a normal fog , once again it started to rise up , I had to be carful where I was running, barely had a good visual because of sky and trees. i was far from the mountain/ cave by the point I had a bad gut feeling it was the end of the little one, and i knew i had to keep running because the big one would find me if I had stopped running for my life!

I run in zig zags to it's not a direct line towards me if he has made his way after me! I can hear a Babbling Brooke running down stream and saw a huge white oak tree , I kept running towards the tree and ended up tripping right in-front of it! I almost messed my ankle up again. Luckily I did not! As it was still foggy out I had no clue what I tripped on but I kept looking for what I had tripped on and I felt Something, it had felt like just a weird shaped rock! The fog started lifting once I had found it , "weird" I had said to myself! The moon had hit the stone just right for me to be able to actually see it, and my heart had fallen to my stomach when i saw what it was! I look back and the moon shinned brightly down on the stone and tree and the creepy forest behind me , as I brush off all the vines and stuff off it, I see a year and first name , I felt like my stomach was in knots and I read " here lies Lilly O'Neill loving daughter and wife! 1998 -2022!" I started freaking out! "How can that be me , there has to be some kind of mistake ! There's no way that could be me! Right? Oh my god"

The tombstone was me, I'm dead? I'm so confused on how I'm dead and in the forest, running for my life! I begin to try and think of how this could even be possible! Is it a Mirage where I'm seeing things cuz I'm scared out my mind and starving/dehydrated? I wish I had my phone so I could use my spirit box and try to see if anything or anyone was there with me...., But I had a heavy feeling rush over my entire body and I froze in place, I started hearing whispering and then the brush started to move around me! I was able to see my breath and I started to shake uncontrollably! There was something clearly supernatural going on here , but i just couldn't tell what. After all i did just find out i was dead ! I was able to see my breath and I started to panic! My back is against the tree at this point , I start to cry softly! I got this rushing urge that I need to run as fast as I can, now that the fog has cleared up! I book it as fast as I could just hoping for a opening in the woods, A field or Something to help me get out! As fast i was running it felt as if i wasn't getting anywhere, it felt like as if i was running in a dream, it was all wonky and weird so i stopped and cought my breath. I sat down by the tree line looking into a clearing and i was relaxing for the first time in what felt like weeks! The clearing was this beautiful green grass almost perfect circle and you can see the wind flowing through the blades of grass , swaying back and forth with the warm tone to it. It feels like a warm spring day with the breeze not too cold not too hot but just right, the breeze flowing into my hair. Few of the forest animals started to come out and forage for their food , but as always unfortunately something felt off.

After a few moments of calming "safe space" i got this gut feeling telling me to move and try to make it across the clearing. That my gut was saying something wasn't just quit right, something was very off! After all this time of running for my life and trying to stay alive and being fearful , why did i feel so calm for so long even after i was just running for my very life, after i saw my very own tombstone. I felt as if i was having a major panic attack and couldn't manage to catch breathe , my heart was racing i started to shake and tears came rolling down my cheeks. I fell to my knees in this clearing and was uncontrollably crying my eyes out. my tears felt as if they where as heavy as a rain drop when its a down pour. I have only ever felt this once before and its the day my whole world came tumbling down on me, i felt as if i lost all hope and everything I've worked so hard for in the past few years. i hated this feeling so i try to pull myself together and get back up but as soon as i manage to get up i get tackled but the little one he has came back and he had found me , well at least i hope it was the little one because i know all to well that the big angry one knows how to change into what every he needs too to get to me! II felt a little better after looking into little ones eyes, i have aa long enough look to understand it is him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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