Chapter Nine

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We sat there for another hour before we decided we should go back to the cruise ship to make sure we weren't left behind. Although, as I pointed out, "That wouldn't be such a bad thing."

As we got closer to the boat I realized that we never saw Tristan again after we parted at the market square. I wondered, briefly, what he had been doing all this time.

As we approached the ramp to board the boat, I tried to steady my breathing so I wouldn't break down in front of everyone. Going up was harder than coming down. I hated this. I hated everything about it except the person by my side. Gabe must have sensed my uncertainty because his hand found my back and I immediately relaxed.

We were only halfway up the vicious ramp when I heard my name called out. Gabe faltered, but I kept walking forward, eager to get off of the ramp even if it was only to get onto a boat. I walked to the center-most point of the ship with Gabe close behind me. I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't fall off the ramp and drown in the water. Finally, I turned around to see Tristan jogging up to me.

Once he was close enough, he held out his hand. "Here, Marjo. You dropped this." In his hand was a necklace. It caught the light and shone like it was brand new.

My hand automatically strayed to my neck to feel the absence of a necklace. But I hadn't put on a necklace this morning. I shook my head. "Oh, no, that's not mine."

Tristan only chuckled and pushed his hand further toward me. Maybe he didn't hear me correctly. I stood there awkwardly, unsure what to do. I looked at the necklace again. It had a blue stone just like the one from the store window. The one that was one of a kind.

Gabe cleared his throat from beside me. "He's giving it to you." My eyes darted to Gabe, but he was looking away. I looked back at Tristan, then at his hand, still outstretched.

"I don't- I don't know what to say," I stammered.

"How about thank you?" Tristan laughed, but I didn't join him.

I shook my head. "Tristan, I can't accept this. It's too much." One hundred dollars too much to be precise.

Tristan squinted his eyes, turning serious. "Marjo, I want you to have it." He took my hand, palm up, and placed the necklace on top, closing my fingers over it. "I need to check in with my moms, but I'll see you later, okay?"

I nodded. I couldn't bring myself to do much else. Tristan paused briefly to look at Gabe and then walked away. I stood there unsure of what just happened.

When Tristan was out of sight, the fog in my head cleared and I narrowed my eyes. Was that really necessary? I wanted to march him back here and demand he return the necklace. I didn't deserve it, so why was he giving it to me? Here. Now. With Gabe watching. I balled my hands into fists and felt the cold metal of the necklace dig into my skin.

I almost didn't notice my family walk over, clumped hair damp with saltwater and wearing satisfied looks. Dad smiled wide and addressed Gabe. "Ah, I see you've kept your promise."

He snapped to attention. "Yes, sir."

Dad nodded in approval. Gabe visibly relaxed a little to which Dad pretended not to notice. He smiled to himself like he was proud he managed to intimidate someone.

Luke pushed his way forward and I could practically see the glee oozing off of him. He pushed his fawn hair back from his eyes. "Mar, you should've been there! We went snorkeling and the water was incredible!"

I smiled down at him. "That's great, Luke."

Maybe my response wasn't convincing of my excitement because Luke frowned suddenly. "Why didn't you want to come?" he whined.

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