"Did you?"

"I've heard couple of stories, yes, but I didn't knew much about her" he continued "in the first year, I met a Slytherin boy, Gellert. He introduced me to Atlantes and the three of us become friends"

"Later we found out what Atlantes could do. It was a very rare gift but at the time she couldn't control it and in our second year, she did something terrible -"

"What did she do?"

"Nobody knows that" said Dumbledore "Atlantes Thana stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas with Gellert. When I came back after the holidays, I found out that she was expelled"

"But your friend - Gellert, he must know what happen right?

"He said he didn't but I know he did. The headmaster was very furious and disappointed at himself. He knew what Atlantes have in her and he wanted to help her - but he couldn't"

"How - how did she married a Black? And who?"

"After graduating Hogwarts, I use to visit her very week. Atlantes told me about the guy she met, Cygnus Black"

My eyes widened. No way

"Black married Thana, nobody knew about it not in fact their family's. When the Black's father found out he disowned his own son -"

I let out a sarcastic laugh "Disowning their children's is a tradition in Black family"

"Thana and Black was hidden for years, nobody knew where they were but one day I got a owl from Thana. Her son was born -"

"- Pollux Black!" I said at once "Pollux Black had three sons, his youngest son was named after Pollux's father, Cygnus Black!" I told him "Cygnus had a three daughters - Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda Black" I continued "Aunt Bella doesn't have a child, Aunt Andromeda was disowned for marrying a muggle and she had a daughter, Nymphadora Tonks and my - my mother had me and Draco"

"You see Miss Malfoy, you're in fact related to Thana" Dumbledore said "We all thought one of Thana's child will have her powers but no one did. She wrote the things in her diary for the next person who was gifted like she was"

"It wasn't a gift" I said blankly "her powers killed her"

"Thana's powers were too much for a young women to control. She was one of the powerful witch of all time. That's why everyone feared her" Dumbledore said as he walked around

"How - how did she died?" I asked "the full truth and not what the book said"

I know there was more of, how she died. Thana couldn't control her powers and it ended up killing her

"There was a war" said Dumbledore "Gellert Grindelwald was the cost of it"

Grindelwald! Of course, Gellert Grindelwald was Albus Dumbeldore and Atlantes Thana's friend.

"He was not only my friend, but the love of my life"

My eyes widened. Love of his life?! The Dumbledore loved Grindelwald. Never, never through about it

"Newt Scamander and this team helped me defeat Grindelwald. Thana & Black jointed just after their son was born" he continued "Thana was a good help but -"


"Everyone got separated. Thana knew Grindelwald was going to murder some innocent wizards. Thana's magic reacts when the other person or herself was in need and that's what happen that night"

"Her magic reacts itself?"

"Yes, it happen all at once" Dumbledore said "She put all her strength and power to protect others but -"

"-her powers ended up killing her" I completed

Dumbledore nodded

"What happen to her husband?"

"When Black came back from the battle he saw his wife dead on the floor. He never forgive him self. He thought, if he would've been there, his wife would be still alive"

There was a silence

"What about me?" I asked "I can control them"

"Yes you can, but you don't have as much of a powers as Thana did" said Dumbledore "you should be thankful about it"

"You mean - if Thana was a ten the I'm a one?"

Dumbledore nodded "but that doesn't mean it's not there. It is, but it will show when the person is in need"

"Like I saved the Dumbledore's army from my brothers gang, in the fifth year"

"Just like -"

"Y/n!" There was a very familiar voice coming from, around the office

"Remember! Be patient and hold still" Dumbledore said quickly

"Y/n!" The female voice shouted again

"Things will be hard, very hard but remember -"

"Y/n! Are you dead!"

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of time just remember to turn on the lights"



"What's happening? What's with the voice?" I asked to Dumbledore

"Trust yourself! Trust your friends!"





My eyes suddenly open and I started coughing. My whole body was sweating.

"Salazar sake! I thought you were dead" said Pancy "bad dream?"

I looked around, I was still in my room.

"Get your lazy ass up" Pancy said as she walked towards the door "Professor Snape is calling you and Theo"

She went out

It was just a dream, just a dream. Or was it?


Last night I was thinking what to write in my next chapter and this came into my mind.

Here is the chapter. Hope you like this ❤️

Thank youuu

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