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i woke up the next morning wrapped in sapnap's arms. he was dead asleep. i smiled and played with his hair softly in hopes to not wake him up. i was unsuccessful.

he smiled at me with his eyes still closed. i smiled as he dug his head into my chest. i could get used to waking up to him every day honestly. it felt nice.

"good morning sap," i whispered

"good morning," he said with a low morning voice that gave me butterflies.

i continued to play with his hair and he smiled into my body. i felt such at peace laying with him in bed. sapnap brought me such comfort, i couldn't explain it with words.

he made me feel loved. he made me feel cared for. he made me feel free. i felt like i was actually able to me around him. i truly did love, care, and appreciate him.

i know it might seem way to soon to love someone in a relationship, but when you have liked them for 5 months and they have been your best friend for over a year, you find peace within loving them.

i would never tell him this at this state of our relationship, but i did love him. he was my best friend, my ride or die, my soulmate, my lover.

"whatcha thinking about over there?" sapnap asked me as he got dressed for the day.

"nothing special," i smiled.

he came over to my side of the bed and leaned down. before i could say anything he attached our lips. the kiss was passionate. full of care. it was different from the other ones we had shared.

as we pulled away sapnap looked at me and smiled. he moved away before leaving me in the room with my thoughts.

i decided to get up and get ready. i went to my suitcase and grabbed a black dress with lacy detail at the top and black tights that had a heart design in them. i paired the outfit with my black converse that i packed.

i went the the bathroom with my clothes and makeup bag. i changed, put my hair in a messy ponytail, then did my makeup. i was almost finished when sapnap walked back into his bedroom.

"kenz? oh, there you are" he said before checking me out. he smirked at me before putting his hand on my waist while looking at me in the mirror.

"hi sap" i said before putting my eyeliner away and applying lip gloss.

"hi darling," he whispered in my ear making a chill go down my spine

"i was thinking about something earlier," i said making him raising an eyebrow at me.

"oh yeah?" he said as i turned around to face him. i was pinned between him and the bathroom counter.

i wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on either side of me. i smiled at him and he licked his lips looking down at me.

"you are so pretty sapnap," i said making him try to hold back a smile

"says you pretty girl," he spoke while getting closer and closer to my face. he finally connected our lips.

our lips moved together. we both were focused just on each other. i loved this feeling.

it was all cut short by a groan heard at sap's bedroom door and a laugh. we both whipped our heads to see george and clay standing there.

"stop making out," clay said disappointed.

"breakfast is ready!" george cheered before dragging clay away from the door.

sapnap and i looked at each other before we started laughing. he quickly kissed me before taking my hand and leading me downstairs.

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