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it was thursday and i was sitting in the living room with patches watching some random movie. the boys were all streaming. i didn't want to bother sapnap.

someone walked down the stairs but i didn't feel like checking who it was. they came into the living room and sat on the couch. i looked up and saw clay there staring at me. i gave him a confused look.

"did you hook up with george?" he said flat out. i looked at him then burst out laughing

"oh you're kidding" i said. and he stared blankly at me. "you are being serious"

"yeah i am" he said angrily.

"no. i would never cheat, you should know this clay. why are you even asking me this?" i asked

"well during jackbox, george said something about you two hooking up and is refusing to say it's a joke" clay said and i sighed

"clay you know i would never do that. right?" i asked and he just shrugged.

"you fucked one of my friends, why not fuck the other one?" he said before standing up and leaving me alone.

why would george do that? did he really want to fuck things up between sapnap and i? what the actual fuck?

i turned the tv off before getting up and going upstairs. i went to sapnap's room. i went to open the door and it was locked. fine i will argue this out with george.

i made my way down the hall and banged on his door. i heard his laughing stop instantly.

"oh god, hold on." he said before coming to the door and opening it. when he saw me and not sapnap he was shocked to say the least.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GEORGE?!" i yelled before pushing him.

"kenzie calm down it was just a joke," he said laughing.

"THEN TELL THEM ITS A JOKE AND STOP RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE" i yelled yet again. tears started to form in my eyes knowing sapnap was angry at me.

"come on kenzie-" i cut him off.

"TELL THEM ITS A FUCKING JOKE! I DIDN'T HAVE SEX WITH YOU! I WOULD NEVER CHEAT!" i kept yelling as tears started to pour out of my eyes

his face softened. he finally realized what he did and he quickly went to his desk and unmuted. everyone was silent, clearly listening to me yell at george through clay's microphone

"yeah it was a joke" was all he said before leaving call. he stood up and walked over to me.

"do not touch me." i said sternly making him back up and put his hands up

"i'm sorry kenzie," he said as i walked away crying.

walking down the hall, sapnap's door opened and he looked at me. i ran down the stairs and sapnap went to george's room. i grabbed my phone and put my shoes on before going out the door.

i started walking around the neighborhood before going into the woods and sitting at a picnic table i once found. i looked at my surroundings as my tears dried. why do men?

my phone was blowing up with calls and texts from sapnap, george, and clay. i didn't have the energy to answer any of them. i didn't want to answer any of them

george ruined my life.

clay didn't believe me.

sapnap believed george.

i was completely done with men right now.

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