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i laid in sapnap's bed while he streamed. i was on my phone and kept feeling his eyes look over at me. it's like he was making sure i didn't leave.

i set my phone down while music played through my airpods. i looked at sap and watched him and he play valorant on his alt account with punz. he didn't have facecam on or anything so he just kept looking over at me.

when he realized i was looking over at him, he stopped and made eye contact with me. i smiled. he turned back to his monitor when punz started yelling at him for dying in game.

"after this game i'm logging off. i'm exhausted" sapnap said looking over at me where i gave him a look that said 'really?'

he continued to finish the game before saying bye to his stream. he turned off his pc and took his headset off before turning to me.

"why did you do that?" i asked

"because i would rather spend time with my girlfriend." he said making me laugh

"whatever you say" i commented as he stood up and walked over to me. he flopped down next to me on the bed.

i moved and laid down on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. it felt different now that we were dating. i loved the feeling of his touch and care.

"you want to go downstairs to watch a movie with george and dream?" sap asked looking at his phone.

"sure!" i exclaimed before getting up along with him.

i opened his door and we both walked out. he closed the door behind him then picked me up and threw up over his shoulder. i yelped when he started walking.

"put me down!" i yelled out laughing.

"hmm did y'all hear that? i didn't." he said walking downstairs and to the living room.

"what the fuck" george said as we passed him

"hi george!" i said before getting tossed onto the couch. i looked at sapnap who was smiling down at me.

"hi kenzie!" he shared the same energy making me turn towards him and dream who were next to each other.

sap sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder instantly. clay was eyeing us as i looked at sapnap. he kissed my forehead before i laid my head on his shoulder.

"so you two?" clay said pointing between us with a smile on his face.

sapnap and i looked into each other's eyes before laughing and looking back at dream. he was raising an eyebrow at us, same with george. i leaned more into sapnap.

"i'm gonna say," george started "DATING!"

"yeah!" sapnap and i said at the same time.

clay's face showed happiness which was surprising. i thought he would be pissed but looks like he has moved on from that era of life. george clapped making me laugh.

"happy for you both," dream said

"thanks man" sap said

"thank you clayster" i joked making him laugh at the nickname i gave him.

"what shall we watch?" george asked.

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