12: French Operators

Start from the beginning

Serena: "My lad's fifteen, getting out of school next year... You?" Serena asks curiously.

Claire: "Six year old daughter myself, being a mother and an operator is... Not easy." Claire says as Serena knows what she means.

Serena: "Yeah... Barely get to see them and you worry if they're truly safe, if I could've taken a different career path I would." Serena says making Claire smile somewhat.

Claire: "Same here, only thing more complicated than that is trying to work in France when your husband is Canadian." Claire states gaining Serena's attention.

Serena: "Yeah that does sound more complicated." Serena says with a smile as it's rare she can openly discuss her personal life with someone and enjoy it.

Claude, Simon, and Louis are finishing unpacking in their assigned room.

Claude: "Where you going Bernard?" Claude asks curiously as Louis looks like he's about to leave.

Louis: "Just gonna go familiarize myself with the locals, hell maybe even play cards with them and if I'm lucky they'll be just as bad as Simon." Louis teases as Simon glares hearing this.

Simon: "You little-" Simon says but Louis quickly leaves making him sigh. "I'll be in the gym boss." He says lightly hitting Claude's shoulder.

Claude decides he's gonna head to the range figuring plenty of the ops are gonna be there. He heads straight there to find plenty of ops there in the range as Ivelisse is shooting her SR-25 getting some good hits down range.

Fuyuko: "Damn, you really are a pretty good shot." Fuyuko says impressed as Ivelisse appreciates the compliment but they notice Claude approaching. "You must the GIGN Captain, Fuyuko Nakayama... SBU." She greets shaking Claude's hand.

Claude: "Good to meet you, and you?" Claude directs to Ivelisse who introduces herself but Claude raises his brow hearing black squadron which Ivelisse notices.

Ivelisse: "Black squadron is the intelligence gathering unit for the Navy SEALs... Not necessarily surprised you never heard of them." She replies.

Claude: "Right so who's the best shot in this team?" He asks curiously.

Fuyuko: "Hmmm... I'd probably say Ivelisse here or Obertyner, you wanna throw your hat into that?" She asks in a challenging but teasing manner.

Claude: "Nah, I'm more akin to CQC situations."

Meaner in the gym, Simon is wrapping tape around his hands and closes his fist getting a feel for it.

Brodie: "You sure about this Frenchie?" He asks making sure that Simon is positive.

Simon: "Of course." He says confidently and puts on boxing gloves.

Brodie: "If you say so." He says as the two touch gloves and circle each other ready to get started.

Leonard and Erik are watching on just to make sure things don't get out of hand. Simon feints a couple strikes trying to make Brodie take the bait. Brodie throws some powerful punches which Simon ducks under and retaliates with a vicious right hook.

Erik: "Hot damn!" He says laughing from how vicious that was, Leonard shakes his head somewhat.

Simon smirks somewhat throwing some quick punches but earns a stiff punch from Brodie as Simon shakes his head getting his bearings. Brodie tries capitalizing on this but Simon uses his mobility to get around Brodie.

Simon and Brodie stare each other down analyzing each other as the fight is close enough but Simon has clear experience in boxing as he hits Brodie in the face and knocks him right on his ass.

Erik: "Holy hell, were you a former boxing champion or something? You got some hands on you." He says as Simon helps Brodie up.

Simon: "I dabbled in underground fighting, two time champion." He explains as Brodie chuckles a bit.

Brodie: "That explains a lot, you sure as hell can tank a punch from me." He says with respect for Simon's toughness while hitting his shoulder.

Louis all the while has been familiarizing himself with the some of the ops, particularly Michael and Owen.

"Forgive me but you hardly seem like a clandestine operative." Michael points out.

"Then that I've accomplished at my job, out of sight out of mind." Louis replies as Owen actually agrees with him on this.

Michael acknowledges this when his phone rings and sees who it is. Michael quickly takes his leave answering it.

"Hey Saba." Michael greets finding some privacy as his Saba questions how he's been. "I've been well enough, you?"

"Eh the usual, live in Chicago long enough and it loses what makes it unique, still better than Israel." Saba states earning a light chuckle from Michael who agrees with this. "But I've been watching the news for the last few weeks... I imagine you're involved somehow?"

Michael sighs as he can't go into too much detail but he knows why.

"In some way yeah, been a hectic last few weeks." Michael says rubbing the back of his neck.

"I can imagine, then I probably shouldn't bother asking if you've gotten laid?" Saba asks teasingly as Michael sighs heavily hearing this.

"You'd be correct weirdo." Michael says with his Saba expressing that he is getting older so he shouldn't wait that much longer. "I know Saba I know, there's just other things I got to attend to."

"I know, your parents would be proud of where you are now, I hope you know that." Saba says.

"Yeah... I'll call you later saba." Michael says hanging up pocketing his phone and sighs somewhat hoping this situation can be over as fast as possible but he knows that's unrealistic.

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