The Aftermath of the engagement

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Blake: *gasps* Shut up!

Maxwell: I'm serious bro! And after we graduate, we are gonna start planning our wedding.

Blake: Oh my god dude, Congratulations to the both of you! Hey.. um.. since you know like.. I'm your bro and everything...-

Maxwell: *interrupts Blake and chuckles lightly* of course you'd be my best man Blake! Why wouldn't I choose you?

Blake: heh. Thanks! Oh.. speaking of anniversaries next week is another one..If you know what I mean?

Maxwell: dude. How could I forget our 11th Broversary?! What do you think I am, stupid? I'm so hyped for next week!

Blake: me too!
Oh! *Had just remembered something* I wanted to ask.. about the engagement.. what about your parents? Do they know yet?

Maxwell: No, they don't yet.. I was planning on waiting until like maybe next month... But, I don't know.. now I'm kinda thinking I should tell them now... I mean, it is August.. and it would make more sense to get it over with.

*Thinks to himself for a moment*

And actually now that I think about it.. I might end up forgetting if I tell them next month..

Blake: well.. I mean, that's up to you if you wanna tell them now or not. Either way they will probably want to know right?

Maxwell: yeah. I guess your right.. Okay then. I'll go tell them then! Hopefully it goes well... I don't know how they will react..

Blake: alright cool! I wish you luck bro! *Smiles*

Maxwell: thanks Blake. I'll see you on the 17th!

Blake: of course!

*They both hang up on each other*

Maxwell: *he then puts his phone down and gets out of his room and looks downstairs*

*Edgar and Julie were downstairs looking at old baby pictures of Maxwell and lily*

Julie: ohh... They were just so cute!

Edgar: they sure were...*sighs* I..can't believe they are growing up.. so fast.. *he sheds a few tears*

Julie: oh I know honey.. come here.. *hugs Edgar*

*Maxwell walks downstairs and enters the living room to walk up to his parents, and as he stood close to them he had his arms behind his back*

Maxwell: *he looks at his parents* Mom? Dad? There's.. Something very important I'd like to tell you..

*Edgar and Julie look back at their son, interested.*

Edgar: what is it son?

Maxwell: so.. you know me and Kaitlyn, right?

Edgar: *raises an eye brow* Maxwell, it's pretty obvious you and Kaitlyn are a thing.

Julie: and you two are so cute together, and you must be lucky to be with her for so long.

Edgar: as a matter a fact, I gotta admit sometimes you kinda show off your relationship alittle too much.

Julie: Edgar!

Maxwell: I do not! Besides, whenever she comes over, you just let her walk in. You've never said anything about this until now.

Edgar: well, we wanted you to ask for permission first, but for one, we thought you were responsible enough and that we trust her as if she was part of the family. And secondly, you never even ask permission first. We've always encouraged you to ask permission before inviting people over.

Maxwell: you litterally sent me and lily out into the outside world, all on our own, when we were 6! You never needed me to ask to go outside, or to hang out with a friend, or to do anything like that. You always just let me and lily go out. So why is this now a problem?

Edgar: it's not a problem. It's just.. we would've appreciated you every once in a while asking permission before inviting your friends over.. I mean.. like what if you were to just let some random stranger into the house?

Maxwell: what?! Dad, what makes you think I'd bring strangers into the- ugh, just look.

*Pulls out his hand and shows the engagement ring on his finger*

Julie: *looks at the ring as her eyes widen with surprise* No way! Are you serious?!

Maxwell: *he speaks confidently* yep! Me and Kaitlyn are officially engaged! I proposed to her 2 weeks ago..

I was gonna tell you guys later, but I would probably forget to do it for some reason, so I thought this would be a good time.

Julie: *cries with tears of joy* Oh my god! My baby boy is getting married!! oh my god!!

Edgar: now now, hold on. Aren't you only 17 still?

Maxwell: I turn 18 in November

Edgar: well.. you just graduated high school. Isn't this just.. you know, too soon to get married?

Julie: Oh quit worrying so much babe! Our son is tying the knot regardless!

Maxwell: it's okay mom.. I'd be glad to explain to you guys, because I figured you'd react this way.. I've planned pretty much everything. 

*goes on and tells his parents everything*

So yeah, you guys don't have to worry about anything right now.. we are still engaged but we are gonna wait until after college to start planning!

Julie: that makes sense.

Edgar: I agree. Although.. don't you think you'd need her father's blessing first?

Maxwell: oh.. right I didn't even think about that one. But her dad practically sees me as his son. He loves me! Hes most likely gonna say yes.

Edgar: okay well.. if you say so. But regardless, I am very proud of you son. We are very proud. *He says as he holds his wife's hand*

Maxwell: thanks Dad.. well I'm gonna go out and ask her dad for his blessing now.. *he goes upstairs to get prepared*

Julie: good luck hon! *She says with a smile*

To be continued...

SCRIBBLESTORIES: FUTURE EDITION (A FANFIC compilation)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant