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Once pest now helper, Chewy was found when Luz and Amity broke into the Forbidden Stacks of the library for Philip Wittebane's diary. However, as revealed that his kind can play back information they eat, Luz took him home in order to study the diary, unlocking more and more of the past with the help of Amity. Though afraid of Luz at first and even given the chance to return home when Luz reached the end, Chewy decided to stay with the human as part of her family, showing the not so obvious bond that had developed between the two.

Full Name: Chewy "Clawthorne"

Species: Echo Mouse

Age: Unknown

Gender Terms: Cis He/Him

Sexuality: Unknown

Occupation: Pet, Projector, Member Of The Wild Witch Syndicate

Alignment: Good

Tracks: None

First Appearance: "Book It To The Stacks"

Voice Actor: Mouse sounds





Enhanced Senses

Small Size


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