Mattholomule (DECEASED)

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Originally one of the most picked on kids in Glandus, Mattholomule was named after his grandfather's grandfather, the powerful "Mattholomule the Unmovable". This led to him becoming pressured to live up to his ancestor and letting it out in rage and bullying others at Hexside, which led to him being enlisted in Belos's Emperor's Coven elite squad. However, after the murder of Skara, Matt had gained a new perspective and later left the Coven to continue his studies, where he tried repenting for his sins. After some consolation and help from Gus, he finally saw the light and helped Luz and friends take on the Glandus kids, taking his own life to take out Gavin. Though it was too late, Mattholomule did gain redemption and possibly ascended even higher than his ancestor since he may have died as a legend, the Matt we know died as a hero.

Full Name: Mattholomule Zherall

Species: Witch

Age: 13 (at death)

Gender Terms: Cis He/Him

Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: Student (formerly), Member Of The Emperor's Coven 

Tracks: Construction

Alignment: Evil (formerly), Good

First Appearance: "Rivalry Royale"

Voice Actor: Jorge Diaz






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