Tiny Nose

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Tinella Nosa aka Tiny Nose, a usually proclaimed weirdo to even the Boiling Isles's standards despite being younger than the others. She was actually one of the first demons Luz has met as she was one of the inmates of the Conformatorium, locked up due to her belief in conspiracy theories. Though once she escaped, she had several interactions with many members of the WWS, including occasionally helping them with fights and even starting a relationship with the youngest Clawthorne. She also has a medical degree.... But I wouldn;t exactly trust her with my operation. Would you?

Full Name: Tinella Nose (Tiny Nose)

Species: Demon

Age: 9 (parts 1 &2), 11 (current)

Gender Terms: Cis She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Love interests: King (boyfriend)

Occupation: Medical School Graduate

Tracks: Unknown

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

First Appearance: "Prepare For Palmbarrio"

Voice Actor: Dana Terrace






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