Chapter 24- Lexi R

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It's been weeks since we kind of left the squad in the dark. Andrew and I had some things to take care of but we've both agreed that we're ready to explain ourselves to the squad. I invited everyone to come to the Amp House and told them it was urgent. We all agreed to meet at 2 PM. We greeted everyone as they arrived and once everyone was here, it was time to explain. We sat down in the living room and I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"As you all know, Andrew and I have been really MIA these past couple of weeks" I started. "No duh!" Brent yelled. "There better be a good explanation for this." He spoke again. I blinked, then continued. "Well you guys are our beat friends, and you deserve an explanation." Andrew started, "So, a little bit after our argument, I took Lexi out on a date. Let's just say, Brent and Pierson weren't the only ones with news the day of your engagement party."

I held out my hand and showed the Amp Squad my engagement ring and wedding band. "Andrew and I got married in a court house, then had a small church wedding shortly after. So, we're married!" I exclaimed with a sing song tone in my voice. Everyone stared at me in shock for what seemed like forever when Jeremy spoke up and asked, "So that's why you guys were gone all this time? You ran off and got married" "Nope, that's not all." I answered. "You may have noticed that I branched off my usual style and started wearing baggy clothes. Well, it was to hide that, I am pregnant!"

This really caught their attention, and all jaws were to the floor. I looked at Ben's face, and he seemed the most disturbed. "All the times when we were unavailable, we were at obstetrician appointments." Andrew said. "Oh, and Brent? You're really bad at spying." I said to him. "Spying? What spying?" Brent said with a quiver in his voice. "Boy, please!" I exclaimed. "When did you find out?" Dom asked. "The morning after Andrew and I went on our date." I said.

Andrew looked at Brent and said, "That's why I was so frantic and dismissive when you guys came to visit." Lexi H spoke up, "Pierson, you don't seem shocked about this at all!" "Oh, that's because I already knew." Pierson responded. "What?!" The entire group exclaimed. "Yep, Lexi told me at the end of my engagement party. I was just as shocked as you guys."

"Wait wait, so you went and started a life, and you couldn't even think to tell me? Your own brother" Brent asked, offended. "Brent, it wasn't really like that though. I just know how you get when I'm in a relationship." I responded. "'How I get' ?" Brent quoted me. He got up, and stormed out of the house with Pierson trailing behind him. I started to feel guilty. Was I a bad sister for not telling him?

The group stayed and talked for a while, then congratulated us and left. Just as the last member walked out the door, I burst into tears, hysterical. "Woah, Lexi what's wrong?!" Andrew asked, concerned. "I feel so bad about not telling Brent. He's my brother, and I didn't even tell him!" Andrew hugged me and said reassuringly, "Brent will get over it at some point. You had your reasons, and everything happens for a reason." I just said in his arms and cried.

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