Part 22- Brent

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Pierson and I agreed to have our reveal party on Saturday. Saturday rolled around and suddenly, we were setting up for the party. I haven't seen my sister, Lexi, all week, I really hope she can make it. I sent invitations by paper and left it at everyone's door, and I left one for Lexi and Andrew at Andrew's door.

    The party starts at 2:30 pm and we had an entire team to help us with the decorations, food, etc. Pierson saw the worried look on my face and asked, "Why the long face? This party will go great!" "I know it will, but what about Lexi?" I responded. "She will show up, she's your sister, and she cares if something big is happening for you." I smiled. We hugged and I knew why I engaged this girl.

    Finally, it was time for the party to start. All the guests arrived except Lexi and Andrew. I began to feel sad, but it was time to start. "Thank you everyone for joining us today. We have a big announcement for all of you, but first, let's party!" The Amp World members cheered and we ate, danced, and sang. Soon, it was time to announce our engagement.

    I looked around and still could not see Lexi and Andrew. I was disappointed, but my sadness was soon interrupted when a high pitched voice yelled, "We're here! We're here!" It was Lexi! Along with Andrew! I looked at Pierson with a huge grin and ran off the stage to give Lexi a hug. "I was worried about you! I haven't seen you all week, since Monday evening, what happened?" I asked. "Don't worry about it! This is about you, go announce your big news, whatever it may be!" She responded. I nodded my head in excitement and ran back up the stage. "Pierson and I have big news!"

    We looked at each other, then at the audience and announced, "We're engaged!" The crowd cheered loudly as lively pop music boomed through the speakers. I looked over and Lexi and Andrew, and Lexi clapped and cheered the loudest. She ran up to the stage and gave me a big hug. "I'm the proudest sister ever!" She told me. We shared the longest hug on the stage while the audience cheered and aw'd.

    When the party was over, Lexi and Andrew stayed a while. Lexi and Pierson went over and talked while Andrew and I talked. "You guys have been kind of MIA this week, huh?" I asked. "Yeah, just a lot of things but we're back again, you know?" He said back, not giving me any reason as to why he and my sister were being so mysterious. We all continued to talk and Andrew and Lexi drove off together which made me even more suspicious. Pierson came back looking like she had just saw a ghost. "You okay, Pierson? You seem surprised?" I asked confused. She paused for a moment and said, "Yeah, I'm fine! Let's go." Pierson and I went to my personal house and ended the night off there.

Landrew Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora