Chapter 14- Andrew

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Lexi and I agreed that Lexi would be the one to tell Ben. They walked into the room for a few minutes and suddenly, they were screaming. Ben burst out of the room with Lexi following him, in tears. We all huddled around Lexi for a group hug to comfort her and Brent walked out to talk to Ben.

    Not long after, Ben pulled Lexi and me aside. "Lexi, I'm sorry I reacted that way. You deserve to be happy and I shouldn't have lashed out on you like that."  He stopped and thought for a minute. "If you guys are truly happy together, then I'm fine with it." Lexi smiled slightly, but she must have remembered how Ben screamed at her because her smile quickly faded away. Her face turned indifferent, she sternly said, "Thank you." then she took my hand and dragged me out of the room, slightly stomping her feet, leaving Ben there.

    "Why so mad?" I asked her. "He was so mean to me. I'm glad he approves, but I don't need his permission to date someone, and it will take me a while to forgive him for the way he treated me." She said, making eye contact with me with tears filling her eyes. I felt bad and understood her point. We walked away with the rest of the group and told them what happened. They stared in shock until Lexi H suggested that we go out to get something to eat. We finished the night off with McDonald's at the beach, and the Amp Squad seemed to have made Lexi R feel better.

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