I reluctantly push my chair in, not wanting a lecture from Herobrine or a snarky remark from Skeleton.

"So...," Skeleton says, "What's our goal?"

"Don't care. If it were my choice, I'd take this chance to skip class and sleep in."

"We're not doing that. Anyway, I think it'd be best if we just walked around for a bit and see what we come across."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

Skeleton lead the way, seemingly happy to do so. Many uninteresting things interested my weird roommate. It seemed as if every new type of flower we'd come across interested him, along with all sorts of ores. A few hours had gone by and we made little to no progress, thanks to Skeleton.

"This is a waste of time. I'm going home."

"Wither, wait! We're literally in the middle of nowhere... You could get lost!"

"Doubt it," I say, already starting to walk away, "I've got a pretty keen sense of direction if you ask me."

"Wither, you can't just leave me here!"

"I can and I will."

He flinches at those words, sprinting towards me and grabbing my arm. "Please don't go..."

I groan. "Fine. But I'm leading for the rest of this 'adventure'."

We walk silently alongside each other for the next half hour. Skeleton kept his curiosity in tact, in which I was secretly grateful of.

"There's a cave over there. That's our best chance to find rare ores. Do you have a pickaxe?" He shakes his head and I sigh. I hand him an iron pickaxe from my inventory and pull out a few torches before entering the dark cave. Without torches, it was almost impossible for me to see a thing.

"This is hopeless...," He says, "We've been mining for over an hour and have found absolutely nothing but stone and coal!" We exit the cave, our inventories filled with unnecessary amounts of stone.

"As I suggested, we should've just skipped the whole thing and slept in. You're the one who insisted that we go forth with this stupid 'adventure'."

"At least I'm actually willing to put in effort! All you seem to be interested in doing is sleeping!" We bicker back and forth until we hear something snap. Skeleton freezes and whispers, "What was that..."

"Probably nothing," I say, scanning the area, "But I guess I'll take a quick look to be sure. Don't move."

"W-Wait-! Wither, don't just leave me here!..." I ignore his pleas and continue walking a bit deeper into the forest.

Yeah, I think it was just a rabbit or something.

That was until I heard his scream.

I retrace my steps and rush back to where I asked Skeleton to stay, only for him to not be there. I could hear him screaming in the distance, panicked breathing and quick footsteps.

Damn it. Maybe I should've stayed next to him after all.

I sigh and teleport to Skeleton's coordinates. Skeleton was currently pinned down by a wolf, his health decreasing rapidly. In a calm yet quick motion, I manage to distract the wolf. I had telepathically shoved the wolf off of Skeleton, causing the predator to float multiple feet in the air. I release my hold on it and it falls, almost all of its health depleted. With one finally blow with my sword, the wolf falls limp and disappears.

My sword disappears from my hand as I sigh. I turn around and decide to check up on the stray, his health stats extremely low. His hunger bar indicated that he was on the verge of starvation, and his health indicating a single heart left. His icy-blue cheeks were extremely pale, and his cloak was basically ripped to shreds. His breathing was extremely labored.

"Idiot. Do you not eat or something?" A potion of harming appears in my hand. I pull the cork off of the top, shoving the tip into the nearly unconscious stray's mouth. I tip the liquid down his throat, repeating the process with three more bottles until his health bar was completely full.

Once he's fully healed, he groans softly and glances up at me. His expression was rather unreadable, but, I could see a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"How... H-How did you do that?" He whispers. He leans up against a tree. I raise an eyebrow. "Do what?"

"You... You somehow got the wolf off of me without physically touching it, I... I'm pretty sure I wasn't hallucinating that. R-Right?"

Should I tell him? None of my classmates knew about my abilities, not even Herobrine did.

"...Yeah. You weren't hallucinating."

"T-Then how...?"

"Look, Skeleton," I say, "You better not say a word about this to anyone. You got it?"

"Y-Yeah. I promise."

"Since you'll probably never stop bugging me about it, I guess I'll tell you. I, um... I have some unique abilities."


"I can teleport, float, turn invisible, all of that fun stuff. I'd love to tell you more but the challenge is going to end in a few minutes." I spawn a diamond and emerald into Skeleton's hands. "Here, just tell Herobrine we found these."

Skeleton was still extremely shocked, but managed to nod his head. "Y-Yeah. O-Okay."

On cue, Herobrine teleports in front of us. "Wow, you two did better than expected. Good job, you two." Herobrine praises us, collecting the gems from Skeleton's hands.

"I'll teleport you both home now. I'll announce the winners of this competition tomorrow morning."


A/n: ...AN UPDATE!

奔跑後的落葉- Wither x Skeleton FanficWhere stories live. Discover now