Slept Together?

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"Where are we taking them?" I asked.

"Hospital. They both have work, we'll put them on a drip so sober them up."

"L-like the banana drip." Giggled Kelly.

"Ay! Grey's Anatomy! You've finally watched it! It is actually banana bag though. " Cheered Jordan.

"Hey, Kid. Look at me." Said Hank as he leant her against the car.

Hank cupped her cheek and lifted her head up.

"We are at a cemetery. Shut up." Said Hank.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Said Kelly.

Once we got in the car, I was sat in the middle with Jordan's head on my shoulder and Kelly's head was against the window.

"I like cuddling you." Slurred Jordan.

"Apparently you two slept together." Said Kelly.

"I'm sorry, what?" Asked Hank, raising his eyebrows.

"They had sex!" Shouted Kelly.

"All we did was sleep!" I shouted in defence.

"If I find out you did more then just sleep, you can join Jordan on uniformed patrol." Said Hank.

"Don't put Jordan on patrol."

"They spooned too." Said Kelly.

"That's it. You're both on patrol as of tomorrow, for two days."

"Seriously?" I sighed.

"Don't argue!" Snapped Hank.

When we arrived at the hospital, Will met us at the door and told us to take them to a recovery room. There were two hospital beds in the room as well as two drips.

"I'm tired." Said Jordan.

We put them both on the beds and Will inserted an IV into Jordan's and Kelly's arm.

"I'll stay here. Jay, go help on the case."

"I don't mind staying."

"Jay, just go. I've got it handled. Call Boden and tell him that Severide might be a bit late."

On my way out, I passed Zoe and Brett. Violet was stocking up the ambo as Brett was signing some paperwork and chatting to Zoe.

"You haven't seen Severide, have you?" Asked Brett.

"No, why?" Responded Zoe.

"He's two hours late for shift."

"He's here and so is Jordan." I said.

"What? Are they okay?" Asked Violet as she joined us.

"Yeah just drunk. They're currently on a drip to sober them up."

"The banana bag." Laughed Zoe.

"What is it with you guys and this banana bag?" I laughed.

"Who said it last time?" Asked Zoe.


"Yes! He's finally watched some Grey's Anatomy!" Cheered Zoe and threw her hands in the air.

"Oh, Antonio texted me and said if I see you or Jordan, they want you guys to do an undercover tomorrow night." Said Zoe.

"I'll have to see about that because Hank has bumped Jordan and I down to patrol."


"Because we apparently slept together."

"Who said that?" Asked Brett.


"Well, did you?" Asked Brett.

"No. We did the same as Zoe and Will. Just slept in the same bed because we wanted each others company." I said and the girls started laughing.

"You didn't do the same as us, we had sex." Said Will, quietly.

"Well, all we did was sleep. We were both a little shaken up from the case and someone at the scene gave us a literal heart attack."

"And you didn't do anything?" Asked Zoe.

"We had our backs turned and then we cuddled into each other because we were both cold and wanted to be comfier."

"I knew this day would come." Said Will.

"Yeah. Me too." Said Zoe.

"Are you planning on dating?" Asked Violet.

"Yeah, we will. She has already said yes to a date but we just need to organise one."

"Well good luck Jay."

"You're giving me luck? Have fun dealing with Kelly and Jordan, the two drunk ones." I laughed.

"Cheers for leaving them with us." Said Will, sarcastically.

"No problem. Also, Brett could you tell Chief please?"

"Will do. See you guys." Smiled Brett as her and Violet left.

I hopped in my own truck and drove back to the 21st to help on the case and update the team about the situation.

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