Chapter 308

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That night, Zhuang Li quit his lab job, went through the withdrawal procedures, and bought a plane ticket to return to China.

As soon as he got off the plane, he rushed to the police station to understand the situation.

The original owner's younger sister was named Xu Yaya, whose real name was Zhuang Ya. The original owner's mother, Huang Wei, disliked the original owner's father as a poor scholar. He only knew how to do experiments all day and did not make money, so he cheated on a wealthy businessman named Xu Yong.

When Xu Yong finally gave the promise of marriage, Huang Wei clamored for a divorce, and took his daughter Zhuang Ya, and later renamed her daughter Xu Yaya.

The original owner's father left Huaguo in anger and sadness. Unexpectedly, he went abroad, and his research made breakthroughs and accumulated a large amount of patent fees. However, the original owner's father also suffered from a broken body and passed away very early.

After receiving the notification from the United States, Huang Wei did not ask clearly about the situation, thinking that his ex-husband was still a poor teacher abroad, so he did not go to the United States to pick up his son.

First, she doesn't have much maternal love for her two children, and even considers them a drag; second, her current husband, Xu Yong, can't tolerate her getting another oil bottle.

For the above reasons, the original owner has not been in contact with his mother Huang Wei for many years. Now that it was Zhuang Li, he naturally wouldn't take the initiative to find this selfish woman.

He used his ID card and a photo taken as a child to prove his relationship with his sister Xu Yaya, and then asked about the investigation results of the case.

The policeman who received him had a slightly subtle expression, "You are Xu Yaya's older brother? You people are too irresponsible, no one cares when the child is alive, and only asks when he is dead. What's the point now? If it weren't for your indifference , she won't go astray."

Zhuang Li could hear that the so-called wrong way did not just refer to suicide, but also meant something else.

So he inquired more patiently.

The policeman sighed: "Your sister most likely committed suicide out of love. It is said, I mean, it is said that your sister's private life is problematic, the friends she has made are a bit complicated, and she doesn't get along with her classmates at school, so I started dead end."

"What do you mean by having a problem with your private life?" Zhuang Li's tone became cold.

The policeman shook his head, not knowing how to say it, so he handed over the file, "You can read it yourself."

Zhuang Li immediately took over the file and looked at it, his eyes getting darker and darker.

The dossier records the confessions of all relevant personnel, including Xu Yong, Huang Wei, Xu Liangliang, domestic servants, classmates, teachers, and friends from outside the school...

Xu Yong said, "I have nothing to do with this child. I know very well. I'm not her biological father, and she doesn't like to be in contact with me. I'm usually busy with work, I don't go home often, and I don't see her much."

Huang Wei affirmed her husband's statement: "Who is this child Yaya with? She doesn't kiss, she doesn't talk to me, she has a bad temper, she yells and beats things at home, and anyone who sees her hides."

Xu Liangliang said: "My sister and I are not very close. She probably thinks that I am with her. She was not born by a father, so she rejected me very much. At school, she didn't talk to me, she was alone all day, and she liked to skip classes. I don't know who she played with outside, I only know that she left several times. When I ran away from home, they were all brought back by Aunt Huang, and when they came back, they made trouble, refused to go to school, and pretended to be sick at home."

The servant at home said, "The eldest lady has a very bad temper, she likes to yell, she likes to throw things, and she likes to get sick. , One illness means that she does not attend classes for ten days and a half months, and her grades are also poor. Her mother worries about her every day." The

classmates said: "Xu Yaya is a sister, and she has made many messy friends outside. It is a bus. You don't know what it means? It's too old-fashioned, just anyone can do it! Who doesn't know this, many people in the school have slept with her! She also had two abortions. Why is there no factual basis? Someone pointed at her nose and asked her if she had had an abortion. She covered her face and ran away. Isn't this a guilty conscience?"

The teacher said: "Xu Yaya is really a problem student. She skips classes all day, doesn't study hard, plays with a group of people called COSER outside, takes some messy photos, and records some weird videos. She is not in good health. She asks for more than ten days of leave at every turn. I don't know why she committed suicide, maybe something bad happened outside. The students in my class have absolutely nothing to do with her death."

At school and at home, all People's evaluations of Xu Yaya are all negative, but in the mouths of friends outside the school, Xu Yaya has a different appearance.

Friend A: "Yaya is very good at make-up and clothes. She has a pair of god's hands!"

Friend B: "Yaya is very beautiful, she is very smart, who does she look like! I adore her very much! She is in Xiaopo There are millions of fans!"

Friend C: "Fuck! She is not promiscuous, she never plays with boys! I warn you, even if you are a policeman, you can't slander Yaya!"

Friend D: "Yaya is absolutely She didn't have a boyfriend! She was afraid of boys. If a male coser started a conversation with her, she would scold others with a cold face."

Friend E: "..." The

file is thick, Zhuang Li just flipped through it and finished it , within a few minutes.

Seeing that he handed back the folder so quickly, the policeman who received him couldn't help showing a look of contempt. Here's another guy who pretended to care about the dead, but was just going through the motions.

"We performed an autopsy on your sister and confirmed that she had an abortion, and your mother knew nothing about it. Your sister often skips classes, runs away from home, and has a lot of friends outside, and we can't find her Boyfriend, we don't know who caused her to become pregnant. Therefore, we preliminarily determined that she should have been emotionally hurt before deciding to commit suicide." The police gave the final conclusion.

Zhuang Li declined to comment on this conclusion and asked, "Is my sister's body still at the police station? I want to see it."

"It was taken back by your mother for cremation." The police sighed, "You came back. too late."

"It's going to be cremated so soon." Zhuang Li's eyes darkened, and he asked, "Then do you have any of my sister's belongings here?"

"No, they were all taken away by your mother. Go and ask her." Wave your hand.

"Okay, thank you." Zhuang Li stood up and said goodbye politely.

After leaving the police station, he found a hotel to stay at random, and then used the Internet to collect all the information about his sister. Her mobile phone number, friends, social accounts, school forum accounts, etc.

Gradually, a more plump and three-dimensional Xu Yaya was restored. She is cold, cool, and always likes to be alone at school. All the classmates said that her private life was messy and her body was dirty. Girls hate her and exclude her, boys harass her and slander her.

When she was bullied at first, she would cry too, but after more and more such things happened, she stopped crying.

She started skipping classes and her grades plummeted. But at the same time, she found a new world in the virtual world. She has millions of followers on the site because of her superb two-dimensional appearance. Everyone affectionately calls her brother.

She hates men and fears men. It was from this mentality that she armed herself into a man.

She committed suicide twice, once by cutting her wrists and once by jumping off a building; once failed and once succeeded.

She left this world with the disgust of many people, the love of many people, and the despair and resentment in her heart.

Zhuang Li looked at this lively and lovely girl in the photo and video, her eyes were getting wet little by little.

He began to search the hospital's medical records, but could not find where his sister had an abortion. She seems to have performed the operation in a black clinic, leaving no traces to be traced. Her mysterious boyfriend was also not seen by witnesses.

Zhuang Li began to browse the school forum again, trying to find the first person who started slandering his sister, but found that there were too many such people, and it was impossible to find out.

Zhuang Li turned to hack the school's surveillance system to find out what happened to his sister, and finally found something strange.

Before committing suicide, she took half a month's sick leave and spent ten days at home to recuperate. For some reason, she suddenly lost her mind, ran to the school, and jumped off the roof of the laboratory building.

And Zhuang Li found out that the day before the sick leave, his sister did not go home after school, but went to the mountain behind the school. The surveillance captured her back as she walked into the depths of the jungle. Shortly after she entered the jungle, two tall boys also walked in.

After more than two hours, the two tall boys walked out giggling and dancing, as if they were talking about a pleasure.

After another half an hour, my sister came out staggering, her legs were shaking when she walked, there were a few slap marks on her face, and the zipper of her schoolbag was torn, leaving a big hole.

After walking a few steps, she fell to the ground. After lying down for a long time, she slowly sat up and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

When the call was not connected, she continued to dial, one by one, and then sent a text message, waiting quietly.

There was no response to the text message, and she finally raised her head, revealing her distorted face.

Zhuang Li closed his eyes, but he couldn't look directly at Xu Yaya at the moment, because the anger and despair in her eyes had melted into a bloody purgatory. This is the emotion that can only be produced by the most brutal torture and the most helpless exile.

In the video, staggering, struggling, and wandering is not a suffering girl, but a dead ghost.

Zhuang Li covered his face, took a deep breath, and a raging flame burned in his heart.

He has probably guessed what happened to his sister.

7480 noticed that the little black house was starting to heat up, and immediately comforted him: "Master, you must calm down! Murder is against the law! You can't go to jail with the gods!"

Zhuang Li didn't speak, just kept breathing deeply.

After several minutes, he put down his hands covering his face and continued typing on the keyboard. He used the Trojan program to send text messages to his sister's mobile phone, and when he found out that it was shut down, he forcibly started it, and then located it.

To learn more about his sister, he had to get her phone. A person's most private information is mostly hidden in her chat history. Her mysterious boyfriend, father of children, love and hatred, and reasons for suicide may all be able to find the answer.

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