Balance Disturbed

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Now let's go into the story ;)


"They are coming... And there are many of them. If we did not have Retsu on our side then I would truly question whether or not Uzu would stand."

Kiyo's violet orbs glanced down at her companion who had spoken. Genji's words were a grim reminder of how outnumbered Uzu truly was.

There were thousands of Shinobi in that encroaching army.

Kiyo glanced to her left and stared at Kaneki who had his palms on the water of Uzushiogakure's shore. The boy was an absolute prodigy when it came to understanding Fuinjutsu. He stood above all of his kin when it came to the art, even standing above His Majesty.

Kaneki had been able to replicate the Hiraishin from a mere glance of the Kunais they were scribed on. The ease at which he could break down formulas, scrawl Jutsu, and create formulas was awe-inducing. Even more so when those individuals were Uzumaki's who already understood Fuinjutsu to an abnormal degree.

"They are now traversing through the ocean towards us." Kaneki's mismatched gaze strayed towards Kiyo before he spoke again. "I can segment their battalion and drown contingents of their forces."

The Amazonian Uzumaki narrowed her eyes before replying. "Do so when more than half of their forces step into the water. You have the smallest Chakra pool between us, we will need you on standby should their forces push through our barriers. His Majesty wants you to evacuate the island."

Kaneki blinked in confusion before responding. "But..." He was silenced by the woman's piercing gaze.

"The lives of the Uzumaki are more important than dealing with this army. When they cross, you sink them and evacuate our people. Retsu and I will bombard their forces."

Genji began to slowly unsheathe his sword as a black miasma wafted off of the blade. "I will deal with their leaders to cause disarray." He slowly spun his cursed blade before resting it against his shoulder.

Retsu's small form began to lightly poke at Genji as she tried to get his attention. The eye patch-wearing Uzumaki turned towards her with a curious gaze as she gestured with her hand multiple times.

Genji frowned lightly before speaking. "Your task is to stay on. His Majesty demands it."

Retsu crossed her arms with a small huff and sat on the ground as she pouted. She released a tiny groan of anger and refused to look at her comrades. The other Royal Guard members just smiled in amusement at the girl's reaction.

"Forgetting about us, are you?"

The quartet turned their gazes towards the two newcomers who were slowly approaching.

"I will protect Uzu with my life. Naruto-sama did not have to take me in but he did." Guren nodded towards the four Uzumaki members who returned the gesture. Their gaze strayed towards Konan who was staring at the ocean with a blank gaze.

"I will repay the hospitality that Naruto has given me." The paper-wielding woman responded simply. There was an underlying tone to the woman's statement but no one called her out on it.

The two women joined the group as they gazed at the large body of water that separated them from the thousands of bloodthirsty Shinobi who wanted Naruto's head.

His surprise attack had garnered even more hate and anger due to the many innocent lives he had taken. He had stated that he wanted to cripple the Major Villages and cripple them he did.

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