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Naruto pulsed his Chakra as he left the training ground. He immediately locked onto Jiraiya's signature and began to make his way to his Sensei. As he began to make his way through the village the boys thoughts began to unravel and focus on a certain person.

Tsunade Senju or 'Auntie Tsunade' as she preferred to be called. She had declared herself as his self-imposed Guardian when he and Jiraiya were sent to retrieve her. The mission was a success... Naruto believed it so. The woman did return and indeed did take the hat. That was their mission afterall.

Of course there were many stipulations following soon after. She was the Hokage and she had made sure the village knew it. Hiruzen had been far more leniant in his reign as the Hokage and more often than not things would be swept under the rug. But when Auntie Tsunade took the hat things got dirty and bloody.

She had dug into files upon files of many of Konoha's darker ploys that Hiruzen and Danzo had enforced. The woman wasn't stupid. She knew that every village had it's more darker side but Danzo was a different story.

While Hiruzen had kept Naruto out of the crippled warhawks grasp, she knew it was only a matter of time before he would strike. Tsunade hadn't allowed that. She decided to handle it the, as she put it, 'Uzumaki way'. By killing the man.

Yes. It was that simple. She had even gone so far as to welcome anyone who would further challenge her rule to the hat. Abuse of power would lead to a revolt. Such a thing had merits yes, but the Shinobi of Konoha also had to realize who they were dealing with.

That individual being Tsunade Senju. The woman who could cause earthquakes with kicks and topple mountains with punches. A woman whos spirit was alight with flame after meeting Naruto. The blond teen didn't truly understand the significance of their meeting at the time but Jiraiya-Sensei had tried to explain to him the importance of it.

Thousands of Shinobi against a single woman seemed reasonable yes?

Incorrect. Against Tsunade, numbers were irrelevant. She was still in her prime. The Sannin were famous for a reason due to their strength. Many Shinobi liked to believe that Jiraiya or Orochimaru were the ones to be feared but only true Shinobi knew the danger that the medic presented.

It was why Orochimaru retreated when Tsunade truly got involved in the fight. Kabuto had been heavily damaged by Naruto and their only chance to truly survive was to turn tail and escape.

It was unfortunate that the snake managed to get away. It would have been quite a large sum of money to get if his head was turned in at the bounty boards. Another day perhaps. Naruto was confident that the snake wouldn't be able to truly match him. Afterall, Sasuke was dead and he had no true vessel. It would only be a matter of time before someone decided to kill the pale bastard.

Entering the hotel Naruto made his way to his shared room with Jiraiya and opened the door. The blond stopped at the door and gazed into the room with mild confusion. He hadn't done another cursory pulse of his Chakra after the initial one. So the fact that a woman was now in their room was surprising.

Even more so considering she wasn't glaring at his Sensei. She possessed snowy white hair that complimented her dark skin. She was a beautiful woman. Naruto slowly blinked and just shook his head while bypassing the scene and heading directly into the bathroom for a shower. Not even bothering to greet the woman or his Sensei.

The woman raised a delicate eyebrow as the shower head turned on. "You have an interesting student Jiraiya-san."

The older male just smiled as he continued scribbling on his notepad. "Yes he is. Naruto has an interesting and unique outlook on life." He ended it with that. It wasn't his place to inform the woman of his students behavior. She could ask him herself.

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