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Six Years Later,

Race felt a sense of deja vu to his coronation as he stood outside the chapel inside the palace. Medda stood beside him, one of her arms looped inside one of Race's.

"I'm so proud of you, baby," Medda whispered to him as they waited for the doors to open so he could enter.

Race smiled. "Thank you, Miss Medda."

"Antonio Higgins. What have I told you? It's Medda to you."

"Okay. Thank you, Medda." Race scrunched his nose up. "Doesn't sound right."

"Are you ready?" Medda asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

Medda nodded to the men standing at the doors who pulled them open as the music started up. They started to make their way up the aisle.

As they walked up the aisle, Race looked at the Newsies all sitting near the top. They were all beaming at him and had even worn their best clothes, even Albert worn sleeves.

Traditionally, the king was not supposed to walk up the aisle and his groomsmen were to be of nobility. Race decided that that was stupid and scrapped all of those rules.

Race couldn't help but smile at a young girl in the congregation. She had flowers in her hair, which was plaited in a crown around her head, and was waving at Race.

Her mother was trying to get her to stop and while Race knew he shouldn't have encouraged it, he waved back at her anyway.

When they reached the top of the aisle, Medda kissed his forehead and whispered to him, "Good luck, baby. Your life is only just starting and you've found the right guy to spend it with."

Race smiled and hugged Medda tightly one last time before she left him for her seat. "I love you."

Medda pulled away from the hug and held Race's hands. "I love you too, Toni."

As his hands were let go, Race took a deep breath and turned to face Spot.

In that moment, Race was reminded why he fell in love with Spot. The way the light caught his hair and made it shine and how his eyes lit up when he was excited or doing something he really enjoyed.

Race paid attention to the way Spot smiled as the officiant talked. He was waiting for the vows desperately.

"Do you, King Antonio Higgins of the Kingdom of New York, take Sean Conlon to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Race ignored the rest of the officiant's speech.

"I do," he said, gazing into Spot's eyes lovingly.

"And do you, Sean Conlon, take King Antonio Higgins of the Kingdom of New York to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Spot answered.

They exchanged their vows as they slid their wedding rings onto the other's ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husbands. You may now kiss the groom." Spot pulled Race toward himself and dipped Race as they kissed.

As they kissed, the Newsies cheered loudly and multiple wolf-whistles were heard.

Spot lifted Race back up onto his feet when their kiss ended. Race leaned down for another kiss. This one was slower and felt more personal for both the men.

The officiant cleared his throat, causing Spot and Race to pull apart. Spot laughed at the blush on Race's face due to his embarrassment.

"The crown," the officiant reminded him.

Race's mouth made an 'o' shape as he realised what he was supposed to do next. He walked over to the altar and picked up the crown.

Spot kneeled on one knee in front of Race and grinned up at his husband. Race lifted the crown in the air above Spot's hair.

The crown was somewhat smaller than Race's and not quite as extravagant but Spot was still mesmerised by how beautiful it was.

"Do you, Sean Higgins-Conlon, swear to aid me in protecting the crown of the Kingdom of New York and to act with only the best intents for the people and the land it represents?"

"I do," Spot answered.

"I, King Antonio Higgins of the Kingdom of New York, crown you, Sean Higgins-Conlon, King Consort of the Kingdom of New York."

Race lowered the crown onto Spot's head, but not before kissing the top of Spot's head.

Once the crown was atop Spot's head, he stood up and pulled Race in for another kiss. "I love you." Spot leaned his forehead against Race's.

"I love you too," Race whispered, taking an opportunity to have a moment for just him and Spot.


Spot spun Race around as they danced to their joint favourite song. Of course, they asked Medda to sing it for their first dance, to which she happily obliged.

Race giggled at the look of sheer concentration on Spot's face as he tried to not step on Race's feet.

When the song ended, Spot dipped Race again and kissed him.

"Where'd you even learn to do that?" Race asked. "I didn't think you were such a gentleman."

"Excuse you, I can be a real good gentleman when I wanna," Spot defended. "And Medda's been giving me lessons."

Race looked up at Medda who was smiling at them. "Of course she has. Miss Medda's the best."

"Damn straight she is."

Spot kissed Race. "There's lots of stuff I learned for you," he whispered suggestively.

"Why don't I like that tone of voice?"

"What? Can I not learn how to give massages for the love of my life with a very stressful job?" Spot asked with fake innocence.

"You're on thin ice, Conlon."

"It's Higgins-Conlon now, actually."

"If you weren't so handsome and such a good kisser, I'd have you hanged. I am king," Race reminded Spot.

"You'd miss me too much." Spot poked Race's cheek. "And who else would you get to kiss whenever you feel like it."

"I suppose I would miss your kisses."

Spot grinned. "Exactly. If you'd like to show me how much you'd miss my kisses by kissing me, I wouldn't argue."

Race leaned down to Spot. "I'll take a kiss."


"You know," Race mumbled as he and Spot lay in their bed after the reception was done. "This is all I've ever wanted in life."

Spot lifted his head to look at Race. "Really?"

"Yeah. Someone who I love and who loves me that I feel happy around and that I can just be myself around."

"I'm glad that you feel that way."

Race smiled and dropped his head from Spot's shoulder to his chest.

"Me too. I love you, Sean Higgins-Conlon. More than anything else in the world," he whispered, it was barely loud enough for Spot to hear but Spot heard every word and fell deeper and deeper in love with Race after every word, the way he did for every word Race spoke.

"I love you too, Antonio Higgins-Conlon. And I'll never stop loving you."

The couple fell asleep shortly after, wrapped in each others' embraces, knowing that they were loved. Eternally loved.

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