Chapter 10

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Race sat bored in his bed, where he'd moved after a week of being babied in the infirmary, for another week of bed rest.

After a couple months of freedom and only needing a few days to recover from worse injuries, it was turning to be a dramatic change of routine.

At least he still had some of his friends at the palace with him.

"Racer." Mush closed the door behind him as he entered. "I've got news."

Race shot up in excitement. "What is it?" he asked. "Is it time yet."

"No, but, you're starting classes again today so get dressed. Then there's going to be a whole thing since you're back safe so you'll be needing a new suit."

"Really?" Race's eyes lit up at the prospect of seeing his friends.

"Yeah. You need to get dressed for classes 'cause we're already late."

Race practically leapt from his bed and rushed over to the wardrobe, pulling out the most comfortable, which weren't very comfortable, clothes he had.

As soon as he was about to start changing, the door opened. "Prince Antonio. We're to help you dress."

Race sighed, he'd forgotten about the fact that he isn't allowed do anything for himself.

"Of course. I have already chosen a suit."

"Your father has requested you wear his chosen suit to sit in on meetings after lessons."

"Of course he has," Race said through gritted teeth.

As he was dressed, Race kept shooting glares at Mush who was attempting to hold back his laughs.

Race thanked the dressers as they left, throwing a shoe at Mush once the door was closed.

"Stop laughing."

"Of course, your majesty." Mush bowed jokingly, resulting in him getting a second shoe thrown at him.

"Someone's feeling feisty," he joked.

Race rolled his eyes. "I've got lots more shoes."

"Okay. I surrender, your majesty."

Race took another shoe and threw it at Mush, just for good measure. "Good. I have lessons to go to. It's hard to be this smart and drop-dead gorgeous."

"I'll take your word for it."

Once they were outside his room, Race ignored Mush as he walked to his room for lessons. He felt bad about it but he couldn't let anyone get suspicious.

Race had to lead the way for Mush seen as Mush wouldn't know his way around as well as Race would.

"Specs," he squealed as he entered his classroom. "I've missed you."

Specs smiled and stood up to hug Race.

"How are you finding being back here?"

Race shrugged. "It's weird. I haven't spoken to my father yet but I haven't seen Elena either."

"Do you want to?"

Race didn't catch on to what Specs meant. "Do I want to what?"

"See Elena."

"Really? I can really see her?"

"There's back tunnels, right?" Mush asked. "Just take one of them and go to her."

Race looked between the two. "Okay. I'll be back by the end of the lesson." He gave them both a tight hug for good measure before sprinting off through a hidden tunnel.

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