Chapter 8

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TW: Violence and fighting, injuries and blood.

A month later, the Newsies found themselves standing in the town centre. They were ready to start the first phase of their plan: rallying the support of the public.

"You ready?" Albert asked Race.

"Yeah. Of course I'm ready."

"Spot ain't coming. Thinks we're gonna fold," Albert told him. "By the way."

The Newsies had tried to hide this piece of information from Race for as long as they could. They'd all come to learn about Race's crush and they didn't want him to be upset.

"What? He said he supported us."

"Yeah, he did. I guess he don't support us anymore."

Race nodded. "I understand. We don't need him. We're gonna win this without him."

"Racer, Albert," Jack shouted, the Newsies were getting ready to start their rallying.

"Come on. Let's go."

Race and Albert joined the rest of the Newsies who were talking excitedly amongst each other.

Crutchie tapped Race on the shoulder. "How are you holding up?" he asked.

"Fine," Race answered. "It's just kinda scary. I can't believe we're actually doing this."

"That's fair. I'm sorta scared too but it's gonna be worth it in the end."

"Yeah," Race agreed. "It'll all be worth it."

Crutchie patted Race on the shoulder before moving up to talk to Jack.

They were hiding in multiple alleyways. Race was with Jack, Crutchie, and Albert in one while the Newsies were in other alleyways waiting for the signal from Davey.

Once the signal, a barrel of fruit being knocked over, happened, all the Newsies rushed out of the alleyways and started to cause chaos.

Shouts surrounded Race as they caused as much damage as they could to royal properties. After some time, the sellers in the market joined in and before Race knew it, a statue of his father was being pulled down and smashed.

"Chase, is the guards," one of the Newsies shouted. Race wasn't sure who it was, he was so caught up in the moment that he barely noticed it was said, let alone who said it.

Race grabbed Mush and Buttons' wrists, they were nearest him, and ran to one of the alleyways. He tried to run back out to get more Newsies but Mush stopped him and went out himself instead.

"Buttons, I need to help them," Race argued as Buttons held him back. "Let me help them."

"They'll recognise you," Buttons told him. "I don't want to lose you because one of them stupid guards saw you."

Race grumbled but stayed put. That didn't stop him from sticking his hand out for any Newsies who came near to take and be pulled into the alleyway.

As far as he was aware, ten of them were cramped together in one alleyway and the rest of the Newsies were getting away or had left.

"Jack, help. Romeo. Finch." Crutchie's cries stopped them all in their tracks as they tried to leave.

Romeo tried to leave the alleyway but was stopped by multiple Newsies telling him that Jack was out there and he shouldn't risk getting himself sent to Snyder.

"Crutchie'll get sent to Snyder," Romeo argued. "I ain't gonna let that happen."

"You're bleeding and can barely stand," Specs told him. "That guard got you good. Or bad. Badly good?"

Romeo was held back by Specs and Mush as Specs ran his fingers through Romeo's hair to calm him down.

All the Newsies winced as they heard Crutchie's cries. It was bad enough to see your friend when they are hurt but hearing your brother be beaten with his own crutch was something else.

Deep down all of them wanted to run out and help Crutchie but they knew they couldn't.


The Newsies sat around, all of them were mourning their loss in their attempt at a rally for support. Many of them wondered where Jack was and if he was going to get Crutchie out and bring him back.

They were all about to go to the forms to sleep when Davey ran into the room, dragging a bedraggled Jack behind him. All the Newsies' heads shot up to look at them.

Jack hung his head, refusing to make eye contact with any of the other Newsies. Tensions in the room were high.

"Where's Crutchie?" Elmer asked. "You got him, right?"

Jack shook his head. "I tried to get him but Snyder showed up and I couldn't."

"Why? We were there waiting for him to come so we could leave and Snyder took forever to show up."

"I froze," Jack admitted somewhat harshly. "I saw Snyder and I froze. That's why I didn't save Crutchie."

The Newsies all looked at Jack. Some glared at him. Others looked at him with pity, knowing they would react the same at the sight of Snyder.

"How are we gonna save Crutchie?" Romeo asked.

"He's in the Refuge," Jack explained. "I tried to get him out but he couldn't even get to the window. Snyder beat on him too bad."

Elmer and Buttons grabbed each other's hands. All the Newsies' shock was obvious.

"We have to get him out," Finch said. "He's one of us and we've never let one of us down."

"I know but this is different. Crutchie can't even walk and I told him I'd carry him but he didn't want to look weak in front of everyone."

The Newsies were all silent, they all knew that not one of them would judge Crutchie if he had to be carried. Everyone had their moments where they needed more help and they wouldn't judge him for that.

And Crutchie was always the first to help others, it was his time to receive the help for once.

"We need to keep fighting," Davey announced. "Crutchie wouldn't want us to stop 'cause Snyder got him. And the sooner we get Race on the throne, the sooner we can get Snyder in jail and Crutchie out."

The Newsies' spirits perked up at that prospect. They were always ones to look at the positive side of things despite all the negative things that had been hands to them.

Some were objectively more positive than others but in a way they all balanced each other out.

"Are we going to be able to do this?" Elmer asked. "Like, really? 'Cause Crutchie doesn't deserve to be in the Refuge."

"Of course we will," Davey promised. "Race's going to do everything he can to get the crown, aren't you?"

Race nodded. "The first thing I'll do as king is get Crutchie out and the Refuge shut down. Snyder's on the royal council so if I can get him off, I can stop a lot of the bad things in the Kingdom," he vowed, looking at all of the Newsies. "I promise."

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