Chapter 9

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TW: Injuries.

Another two months had passed since the rallying attempt and Race had become accustomed to fighting. He had become no more accustomed to having to see his crush every day than when he started.

When Spot decided that they'd done enough to earn his respect, he started to reach Race how to sword fight.

Race also wondered frequently why he was best friends with Albert.

"I think you should talk to him," Albert pointed out to him as they lay on his bed.

"No. He doesn't like me back. I'd just embarrass myself."

"Do you need Buttons and El to check your eyes? 'Cause I think you're blind."

"No I'm not," Race argued. "You're just stupid."

Albert rolled his eyes. "Stop being annoying. You like Spot and Spot likes you. Talk to him."

Race sat up so he could look at Albert. "I think I'm good."

"Racer," Albert groaned. "Things are gonna change soon and I don't want you to regret not saying something."

"It'll be fine, Al. Things aren't going to change that much. I'm going to get the throne and I'll change some laws but nothing drastic."

"Yeah," Albert mumbled, only causing Race to become unsure. "I've gotta go. Remember, things'll change so shoot your shot."

Race mumbled an answer as Albert rushed out of the room, Davey appearing a few minutes later to take his place on Race's bed.

"Hey, Toni," he greeted Race. "What're you doing?"

"Al was here," Race explained. "We were talking but he was kind of off."

"Yeah, about that. I need to talk to you about something."

"What's going on?" Race asked. "Why's everyone acting so weird?"

"We need you to go back to the palace," Davey started. "Not just for the duel. For a few weeks before as well."

"Why? I can't go back. You know this. I'd rather die than go back."

"It's part of the plan. You'll only be there for a couple weeks and I'll be there and you're getting a new tutor."

"Who?" Race asked. "If it's another old hag then I'll actually-"

Race was promptly cut off. "It's Specs."

"Really?" Davey nodded. "Thank you."

Davey smiled. He knew Race deserved so much more love than he grew up with but it was hard to do that when Race couldn't see that.

"If you don't want to I'll tell Jack that it's not happening but it'd be really good for the plan."

"Do you promise you'll be there?" Race held out his pinkie finger for Davey.

"Yeah. I promise and I'm sure you'll have to have extra schooling to keep on track."

Race grinned. "I think I'll be okay."

"Good. Come on. You need to go get ready."

Half and hour later, Race was changed and in the suit he'd been wearing when the Newsies had kidnapped him and it all became reality to him. He was actually going back to his old life.

As they approached the alley they planned for him to be found in everything became too much for him.

"I don't think I can do this," he said, turning to Romeo, who was nearest him.

"That's okay," Romeo reassured him. "If you don't want to do it we can make a new plan."

Race sighed. "No. It's- I can do it. I'm just scared about seeing my father again," he admitted. "I know it's stupid but I can't help it."

"That's a normal way to feel. He abused you and having to go back will be scary. I think you're real brave for doing this."

"Really?" Race asked, he doubted he'd never be used to hearing people talk positively about him to him.

"Yes really." Romeo pulled Race into a side hug. "I know you don't hear it much but I'm so proud of you. You're one of my brothers. You're all our brother."

"Thank you," Race said. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too, Racer, but we'll be back together soon and I'll give you the biggest hug."

"I'll hold you to that," Race playfully threatened.

"I hope you do."

Race wished he hadn't agreed in that moment, he'd rather spend an eternity in that moment with Romeo than go back.

"I'm going to get the guards now," Romeo told him. "Good luck, Race."

Race pulled Romeo into a tight hug before he could leave.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

Race turned to Jack and Spot. Davey had wanted to join them but they decided it would look less suspicious if he was at home with his mother when Race was found.

"Rough me up," Race instructed Spot.

"What? That's not the plan."

"It'll look less suspicious if I'm all beat up."

Spot and Jack shared a look before Spot said, "I'm alright with it."

Race waved a hand at Spot. "See, he's alright with it."

"Fine, rough him up."

Spot swung his fist, landing it on the bridge of Race's noise, earning a satisfying crack.

By the time Spot was finished, Race was on the ground with every part of his body hurting him.

"Good luck, Racer," Jack said. "I'll see you soon."

Race smiled. "See you."

Spot and Jack ran away before they could be caught, leaving Race alone on the ground.

"I saw him here, sir." Race breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Romeo's voice. "I didn't want to try carry him 'cause he might be hurt."

Romeo, or rather Romeo's shoes, came into view along with two or three guards. Race heard the way Romeo's breath caught at the sight of him on the ground and covered in injuries. He just hoped that the guards didn't.

"Prince Antonio," one of the guards, his personal guard, said. "It's good to see you."

Race gave his best attempt at a smile. "Likewise but I fear I may need medical attention."

The guard seemed to snap to attention. "Of course, let me help you up."

Race was pulled up by the guard and he and another guard took his weight.

"This boy here found you," the guard told him, pointing to Romeo.

"Thank you. I will ensure your kindness is rewarded."

"Oh no," Romeo denied. "It's alright, you don't gotta. Just doing what's right."

"Nonsense-" Race motioned to one of the other guards. "-take this boy's name and when I am recovered I shall ensure he receives sufficient payment."

"Let's get you home your majesty."

Race nodded stiffly, hoping his stiffness could be played off as a result of the injuries.

"What is your name?" he asked the other guard supporting his weight, the one that wasn't his personal guard.

"Nicholas, your majesty." Race could have sworn he recognised that voice. "But everyone calls me Mush."

Race internally grinned, hopefully things wouldn't be as bad as they used to. At least he'd have people he knew near him.

"I'm your new personal guard," Mush added.

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