Chapter 4

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Antonio was led away by Buttons and Elmer, saying they were going to clean him up and get him into clothes that didn't itch him every time he moved.

Using his eyes, he tried to beg David to go with him but apparently David had work to do with Jack so he was left alone.

They brought him to a room with a long mirror propped up against one wall and a railing with clothing to the side.

"This is where we keep clothes that have been outgrown," Elmer explained. "Buttons'll usually fix them up or whatever needs to be done and they'll be passed down."

Antonio looked down, feeling bad. In all the years he'd been at the palace, he'd never thought about what they were doing for the people in need.

"I can try get more clothes for you, if you'd like," he offered. "I could sneak back into the palace and get some or something."

"You don't have to go back. It's too risky besides," Elmer added, "Buttons fixes them back to be as good as new."

Buttons came in and sat Antonio down on a chair.

"What's life in the palace like?" Buttons asked, as he grabbed something Antonio couldn't see down from a shelf.

"It's fine. I used to think it was horrible but I suppose that's showing how privileged I am. I thought it was the worst place ever."

"I guess that was reasonable though. If I was trapped in the one place basically all my life I'd think it was horrible."

"I liked the palace since there was always something to do," Antonio explained. "But the royal advisors and my father ruined my day most days."

"They sound like the type of people to do that."

Antonio smiled and grew quiet as Elmer started tugging on his hair to get all the gel out.

"He'll need to wash your hair," Buttons told him. "Get rid of the gel and, you know, the blood."

Antonio nodded and found himself being led by Buttons and Elmer to a sink where they washed his hair.

"I can wash my own hair," he argued.

"Yeah but your head is hurt so consider this-" He thought for a moment for the right word. "-self-care. We're gonna look after you," Buttons told him.

With much shampoo going into Antonio's eyes, they finished up and Antonio was back in the chair yet again with Elmer playing with his hair, being cautious of the cut on his head.

"Buttons come look at this," Elmer called over, waving his hand excitedly.

Buttons came over, trying to see what Elmer was so enthusiastic about but he got hit by Elmer's flying hands in the process.

"Sorry," Elmer mumbled as he pulled his hands away from Buttons.

"It's fine," Buttons brushed him off. "What's wrong?"

"Look at it," he shouted joyfully, pointing at Antonio's head.

"What's wrong?" Antonio asked, joining in on Buttons' curiosity.

"He's curly," Elmer exclaimed. "He's got a head of curls."

Buttons leaned over and broke out into a grin at Race's curly hair. "He's curly."

"Did you not know I have curly hair?" Antonio asked. "It's not exactly a secret."

"You always have your hair so flat. We thought you had straight hair."

"The kings and princes always have had perfect flat hair," Antonio explained. "I got the curls from my momma. They want me to fit into the image of the 'ideal king' so I wear lots of gel to get rid of them."

Elmer and Buttons shared a look of horror. "The royal life sounds terrible. I could never deal with wearing hair gel all the time."

"That's not even the worst of it," Antonio laughed darkly, thinking of the days spent in his classroom, being disciplined by his tutors.

"It couldn't have been so bad. David said that you only had to go to lessons and meals and then you were left alone for most of the day."

"Sometimes my tutors wouldn't let me leave," Antonio started. "If I was too tired or kept making mistakes or was just having an off-day they would keep me there for hours and I couldn't leave. They'd also deal with me however they saw fit."

Buttons noticed the pale lines barely visible beneath the prince's collar. "They'd hit you, wouldn't they?"

"No. What are you-" Antonio pulled his collar up to hide it from them. "I've got to go, I'm sorry."

He stood up and tried to push his way past Buttons and Elmer only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Antonio. We're sorry," Buttons said genuinely.

Antonio nodded stiffly. "I have to find David."

Elmer and Buttons called after him as he left the room, trying to find David.

He almost collided with Crutchie because he wasn't watching where he was going.

"Antonio, is everything okay?" he asked, taking in the disheveled look of Antonio.

Antonio shook his head. "Where's David," he asked quickly. "I need David."

"He's not here. He had to go help his father with work," Crutchie explained. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It doesn't matter."

"Antonio, you're shaking." Crutchie reached out and took Antonio's hands.

Antonio pulled his hands away. "No I'm not. I'm just," Antonio trailed off, unsure of what lie to use to get out of it.

"Come here." Crutchie held his arm out for a hug.

Antonio fell into the hug, craving any sort of human contact.

Quite rudely, in Antonio's opinion, he started crying as all his emotions caught up on him.

"It's okay," Crutchie soothed him. "It'll all be okay."

Antonio choked out a sob, clinging onto Crutchie's shirt.

"Please don't make me go back," he sobbed quietly. "I don't wanna go back."

"We'll never make you go back unless you want to."

"Promise," Antonio asked, wiping the tears away from his eyes with a shaky hand.

Crutchie smiled. He might have been fifteen but Antonio was so obviously a child at heart.

"I promise," he replied, linking his pinkie finger around Antonio's.

"Thank you," Antonio whispered, hugging Crutchie again tightly.

"Any time," Crutchie promised. "I am your big brother after all."

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