Chapter 12

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TW: Blood, injuries, stabbing and doctors.

The Newsies didn't know what had happened. One minute Race was in the throne room the next they saw him rushing out the door.

They all followed him, of course, a few metres behind as they got confused at some of the twisted corridors. When they saw Race, they were stopped in their tracks.

Race was hunched over on the ground, his shoulders shaking violently as he sobbed.

Jack was the first to go over to him, taking slow steps as he assessed the scene. Gently, he placed a hand on Race's back.

Race didn't react, instead he sank deeper onto the ground and over the corpse.

"Racer." Jack kneeled down beside Race. "Come on Race, let's get you cleaned up, you're covered in blood."

"No. I have to stay with Elena. I have to be here when she wakes up."

Jack looked behind him for support.

Specs stepped forward. "She needs to be brought to the doctor," he told Race. "She won't wake up if we don't bring her."

Race shook his head. "I can't leave her. I can't."

Jack pulled Race away from Elena's corpse and into his chest. Race squirmed and tired to break away from Jack's arms.

"Please let me tell her that it'll be okay," he begged.

Jack sighed but let him go to his sister.

Nobody heard what Race said to Elena, and nobody wanted to. It was their private moment and, most likely, their last moment together. They didn't deserve to listen in on it.

Race sat back onto his heels when Specs started to take Elena away with Mush's help.

"I'm proud of you," Jack whispered, pulling Race into his chest. "You're so brave and strong. I wish I were like you."

Race shrugged. "But you are strong. I'm the one that isn't strong."

"You are strong, you've seen so many bad things and you're still a handsome, kind and brave boy," Jack quoted the speech he'd heard from Medda a million times before. "I'm proud of you for staying strong."

"I'm tired of being strong," Race cried.

"I know that's why I'm here, You don't have to be strong."

"What about Elena?" Race asked. "She needs me to be strong."

"You can't be strong for Elena if you don't take time to relax. She's in good hands so now you can relax."

Race sighed, unsure. "Okay."

Jack stood up, lifting Race up. "Come on. I think we should go see Miss Medda. She always helps me relax and I know she'll help you."


Jack held onto Race tightly as they all stood in Medda's theatre. "Are you okay to stand?"

Race nodded and let Jack help him stand. His swaying as he stood didn't go unnoticed by any of the Newsies.

Spot stepped forward, placing a hand on Race's arm. "Are you hurt? You look really pale."

Race looked down. "I think I was stabbed."

All the Newsies looked at Race alarmed.

"What?" Jack said. "Where?"

Race lifted his shirt up obliviously to show the wound in his side. "Here."

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