Chapter 78 - Maeve

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They returned just before noon. When they opened the door, Will sat on the bed drinking another orange pedialyte and rubbed his eyes.

"Afternoon sleepy," Maeve's voice filled with laughter.

Will glared at her with narrowed eyes. Impulsively, she hurried to him and wrapped her arms around his toned abs, and smiled when he couldn't keep the scowl on his face. She rewarded him with a soft peck on his cheek and ignored he'd froze when she kissed him. Ander's back faced them, but his shoulders went rigid when her lips touched Will.

"We got lunch," she announced and washed her hands.

Several thoughts circled in her head and threated to spoil her mood. Why did she need to win Will over? Maybe because she sensed he wanted her to? Or to expand his narrow view of the world? Despite his off-putting personality, she liked him. Perhaps it was just that simple. Maeve turned off the faucet and listened to Ander as he moved behind her. She didn't need to win him over. He was far more accepting of the world. What he needed was someone to remind him he was worthy, and he was wonderful in his own way. With furrowed brows, she turned. She feared getting too close to him. The warning made no sense, but her intuition cautioned her too close and it would all end. She shook her head and cleared the musings.

Finishing his pedialyte, Will scratched his head, shuffled to the bag, and dug around. He pulled out a styrofoam container and peeked inside. His lips flattened before he closed it. Pulling out the next container, his face brightened. He grabbed a packed of utensils and pulled a chair to the table.

"Thanks for the omelet," Will said, with a mouthful of omelet and avocado.

Ander nodded and picked up the first container Will had pulled out and sat near them. Will made a face when Ander dipped his fork in the dressing before stabbing some of his salad.

"Your donuts and cheese-steak are in the other bag," Ander told Will.

Will continued to shovel breakfast into his mouth, but nodded. He hadn't put his shirt on, which gave Maeve the opportunity to stare at his upper body without drawing attention. Her eyes followed him as he stood and grabbed a beer out of the fridge. She took in not only his sculpted, god-like physique, but also all of his tattoos and random scars.

Compared to Ander, his chest, arms and back were almost bare, even with seven tattoos. The only markings on his back were battle scars and his full back Celtic cross. Both of his biceps had images. One had a wolf howling at the moon and the other arm had a triskelion and under it the Scorpio symbol inside of an upside-down triangle. On either side of his six-pack abs, his tattoos curled around to touch his back. They were strange rounded symbols with simple lines that reminded her of a compass but more complex. They must've been symbolic because, although interesting, they weren't what she'd consider artistic. She wanted to ask what they were for, but doubted he'd tell her. Maeve gawked at his chiseled body as he stretched.

"I'm getting in the shower. Use the bathroom if you need it," Will announced and pulled clothes from his bag.

The bathroom door closed. Maeve's brows pinched when she noticed Ander had stopped eating, his eyes downcast.

"Ander?" Had he noticed her looking at Will?

"We need to visit several locations today. Be sure to finish your lunch. Dinner will be late," he said in a mechanical tone and ate again.

"Ok," her voice barely above a whisper. They ate in silence. Their positive morning evaporated in seconds and left her hollow.

As expected, Will took his time in the bathroom. The shower was pretty standard, but his dental care rituals were three times longer than an average person. When Ander finished, he shrugged a flannel over his shirt. She slumped in the chair. Definitely her fault. Will opened the door, his brilliant white teeth shined.

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