Authors Note plus Ending (kinda)

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So after 2 and a half years, this story is finished. Kinda. I had completely forgotten about this story until I opened my email that I don't use anymore.

What made me make this update is from someone who commented that they were suicidal about me not updating this. That is NOT okay. at all.

another thing, I stopped updating this story because I got so burnt out from constantly writing and updating. I meant to only take a one-month hiatus but it ended up being 2 and a half years lmao. I do plan on writing other fics, but I am not going to update as fast as I did before.

I am now graduated out of highschool and I have a job (that I hate) I still love this fandom and I love how kpop has saved my life in many ways. I just... fell off for a bit.

I am tru;y srry fr not updating this and leaving you on a cliffhanger. but as I was rereading (because I was planning on an ending) I realized there was so much wrong with this. Like drunk sex and random things all over the place. (as well as woojin) things happened and I didn't mean to take so long.

but to give you guys an ending, I am going to give you the summary of what I had planned.

after hyunjin falls into the river, jimin notices (another thing that was out of the blue) and calls the ambulance. anyways, it is like those romcoms where the protagonist wake up in the hospital with their lover by their side and they confess their love for each other. (that was the plan 2.5 years ago, im not going to change it. )

anyways this is unedited and again, im sorry for leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. I think I will go back to some of my past fics and finsihed/ edit some. but this one and east side are finished. (east side is completed on wattpad, same user) I will upload the rest of eat side on this site too. it just might take a while.

goodbye for now, sorry for the anti climatic ending.


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