Chapter Thirteen: I didn't know

Start from the beginning

His idol, the person he looked up to was working with the people who had the power to end the world as he knew it. The person he relied on was trying to kill him. Almost, killed him.

Everything started to make sense. The business trip he suddenly had to go on. Never speaking a word of his work, never speaking a word of what he does.

The secrets. The hushed whispers, the discrete text messages.

He was on the wrong side. Your heart broke. He was your idol too.

"Mil—" You don't get to finish your sentence because Miles is hauling you to your feet and pushing you through the open window.

"M-Miles!" He kept pushing. Ignoring your pleas he rushed through the window after you. Once out, he gave you a look that said it all. And right there and then you knew now wasn't the time to talk, but to run as your life depended on it because it did.

You're about to move again when he stops. Pulling his favorite jacket off his shoulders and looping your arms through it. He's fumbling, he's trying so hard to keep it together, "Why are you?-" Your words die in your throat.

Once the jacket is fully on he zips it up with vigor and pulls the hood over your head, tugging on the drawstrings with all his might.

"He can't know who you are, I-I don't know why he hasn't recognized you yet! But, I can't take that risk, I- Won't."

Your hand is wet. You looked up. It was raining.

He looks at you and his eyes hold something you can't read, that you don't understand. But there was one emotion you could separate from the rest, one that you always could. Fear. He was afraid.

Grabbing your hand once more he ran, down the stairs and you're right on his tail. Looking up you see that the Prowler was right behind you just as determined to get to you.

"Y/n!" He shouts out catching your attention, it was then that your eyes lock and he seems to apologize not before getting the words out to do so. He rushed out, "I'm sorry!" And right as those words leave his lips you're hurtling towards the ground your scream ripping through the quiet night.

You land on a big pile of trash bags. And Miles lands right next to you. "Come on, come on!" And now you're on your feet again the Prowler right on your heels.

"THAT WAS—" He gives you a look eyes wide, "I KNOW." And you both keep running. Right as you think you lost him he comes right at Miles, nearly missing him. Crashing into some mailboxes he's on the street with a look of terror on his masked face.



And as you ran away he nearly missed you. The prowler reached for your hood his gloved hands just missing it as you pushed forward. Your legs burned. Your lungs were full, your throat was sore. His clenched fist is met with air as you're pulled away. Another one of your screams echoes out onto the streets as Miles lands on the back of a taxi.

And you land on the truck in front of him. Nearly missing the man again. You try to catch your breath but it's too late when the tires on the truck pop and are met with the full force of another car on the street as it crashes into it.

The person driving the truck hit the brakes and you get the wind knocked out of your lungs as you fly forward off. And as you're flying through the air you can't help but think, how this is a hot way to go.

Then the momentum stops, and the world stops moving. And you find that you're not at the gates of hell but instead, you're in the arms of, "Miles." Looking up at him you catch your breath as he looks for his Uncle.

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