Brawn Not Brain

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I'll be lucky if I have any left on my head at the rate he was yanking on it.

Tears finally start to leak down my face, as I realize that what I need to get out of this situation, is something I don't have.


All I have is brains, and it sure as shit isn't gonna help me at this moment. I don't want to tell him that Micah will kill him for this because that might sway him to not let me out of this alive.

The only chance I have right now is someone else from security coming across our paths. Although by the direction he's taking me in, I'd say he already thought of this.

Most of the security guard the packs' borders, and he was currently dragging me towards the middle of the woods, away from where they would be stationed.

I was gonna need to come up with a plan all on my own to get away from him. And I needed to come up with it fast. I had no intention of finding out what else he had in store for me.

"Tell me something, Amber. Why is it that you're still upset about what happened four years ago?" He calmly asks me.

I don't bother to say anything, knowing it'll only piss him off that much more.

As I limp through the woods, an idea comes to me as to how I might be able to get away from him. But I'm gonna need to do it in the right place, at the exact right moment.

And I was gonna need to do it soon before he gets me too much further in. Otherwise, it was going to be a long walk out of here.

This entire time, I've literally had a weapon attached to my foot, and just realized it now. But how to use it was another story. Do I go for the kneecap, the face, or possibly the balls? That was the million-dollar question.

I guess any of them would work, as long as I connected with my target properly. The balls would likely have a more lasting effect.

He switches his grip from my hair to my upper arm. I'm sure he figures that he could catch me if I manage to get away from him. And since I can't run, he's likely right.

"Did you cry to Azariah about what I did? Did you make her feel sorry for you?" He taunts me. "Face it, Amber, nobody will ever give two shits about you. Your gonna grow old alone, and eventually, die alone."

I'm aware that what he's saying isn't true, but somehow I need to make him think that his words have the impact he was going for.

Maybe I should have taken some acting lessons from Azariah. Too late now.

I hang my head and stare down at my feet as he continues to drag me further into the woods and try my best to fake some sobbing sounds. I throw in some sniffles just for good measure.

"Awww, is poor little Amber crying." He mocks me. He must decide that he likes the location we're at, cause the next thing I know, he tosses me to the ground.

Of course, little does he know, this is exactly where I want to be. From this angle, no matter where I strike, I'll have the advantage of my back being supported by the ground, making my kick hopefully more powerful.

He stands over me, staring at me with a look that sends chills up my spine. His eyes are narrowed, and he grins just slightly as he starts to pull his shirt over his head.

"Tonight is your lucky night Amber." He drawls out slowly.

I know I can't be certain of what his intentions are, but I sure as hell am not gonna stay here and find out.

Pulling my leg back, I kick out with my foot that has the cast on it, aiming straight for his kneecap. The pain that shoots up all the way to my knee takes a few seconds to register after my foot connected with its target.

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