Murder on Winder Road(1)

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"Y/N!! " I heard my boss yell from the other room I grab my stuff and walk to where his voice came from
"Why don't you have any leads yet you've been working these cases for 2 years now Im gonna need you to hurry up or I'm switching your case to something you could better... Handle. "
Well yeah I have been working this case for 2 years but I started before that when the small murders started happening it started off as two serial killers who would leave the same red circle with an X over it then 2 became 3 and that turned into 4 then 5 and so on now theirs a lot and I chose to take all of them my first day but only because I wanna know the significance behind that mark..
"My apologies sir I'm trying my best please give me more time"
"I understand that your still kinda new Y/N but you have to understand 6 months is the most I can give you"
"Thank you I won't let you down"

5 hours later current time- 10:47

Today sucks I barely got anything done I can't believe this I'm gonna lose this chance I only have 6 months to do this this is so stupid
As I'm waiting for the bus I can't help but notice the person next to me a striped hoodie with a blue hood pulled up and a mask I can't make out any facial features but they really creep me out I live in a small town so we don't get many new people and its real sketchy but I'm to tired I get on the bus and sit in my normal spot the person sits a few rows behind me I'm not sure why but I get this uneasy feeling from them their jacket reminds me of a piece of evidence I saw once it had the same color sleeve with the same pattern but they must've gotten it from the same place
Well with an increased feeling of something bad I decided to get off earlier I get off at the next stop and wave to the bus driver as always but as I'm driving away I can't help but see the man had switched sides? He slowly looks up at me messy brown hair and I can't make out the color of his eyes but he starts to wave at me as the bus starts going again and as it starts to dive away I see it his fucking hoodie sleeves is missing a piece that is exactly like the evidence I had
'Oh no no no no this can't be happening ' I think I start chasing the bus but it was no use he drove off I decided maybe I was imagining things it's probably nothing
When I got home I tossed my bag onto the couch after what I think I saw I'm just gonna go to sleep I'll shower in the morning
4 hours later current time - 2am
I am rudly awoken by a frantic call from my partner Noah He knows his way around "Y/N you gotta come see this I'm headed your way right now we got another murder over on Winder road"
Winder road? That's only a block away from where I got off the bus last night
I'm getting ready very quickly hopefully they'll have food back in the office when we get back cus this sucks and now I'm thinking what if That boy had something to do with this I walk outside and he was waiting for me I got in we drove to the crime scene I got and whent under the police tape to get to the scene well it stinks 𝘥𝘶𝘩 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘦𝘥 yeah my bad
"So miss captain see anything interesting this time? " Noah said with a smirk I hate him I don't know why we where put on the same team
"Look" I pointed over to the mans face
"Oh god..."Noah said guess he didn't see it
We can't figure out the name of the victim we'll have to do a DNA test because of they very obvious fact that his head had that mark hacked into it probably with an Axe
𝘍𝘦𝘸 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦-5𝘢𝘮
Back in the office I grabbed some food from a local gas station earlier and now I'm seperating files out of all the murders with the mark they are obviously a gang of killers or just really bad a keeping a pace and same structure but this is the 2nd murder? the first murder of Winder was with a father, mother and I'm guessing their kid the mother is still alive ill set up an appointment with her tomorrow to talk about this and the father was burned to death and his body got mangled the kid? No one knows ill have to talk to the mother tomorrow

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