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The Writer's Relay

Welcome, all writers of Wattpad!

Do you feel the need to connect with other writers? Did your experience with the ONC tickle the wish to keep in contact with the new writing friends you made? Do you hope to meet like minded authors on this platform to discuss projects and hone your skills?

Then you found the right place to be!

We invite you to join our new writing activity, the Writer's Relay.

What's this about?

💥 The goal of his event is for a group of writers to plan and co-write a story to be published on Wattpad.

💥 Each writer will contribute one chapter to the story. Chapter length will be determined by the group.

💥 The story will be published a chapter at the time. Each author will publish their chapter on their own profile.

💥 At the end of each chapter, an author's note will tell the reader where to go next and when to expect the next chapter.

💥 When the story is complete, the full work will be published on our host profile.

Who can apply?

💥 All Wattpad writers who have at least one completed story on the platform can apply for the event. Your story must contain at least 2,000 words.

💥All Wattpad writers who meet the above criteria must also have at least 10,000 words published on the platform.

💥 Everyone is welcome to participate, including new and rising writers. But there is also room for well-known writers, ambassadors, and stars. Wherever you are on your writer's journey, we encourage you to apply for a spot.

How do I apply?

💥 Application is by form and includes submitting the link to a chapter of exemplary writing on Wattpad and naming the genres the applicant would be willing to write in.

How am I selected?

💥 Based on the quality of the applications, the Writers Relay moderator team will decide on participants. Factors taken into consideration are quality of the storytelling, grasp of the English language, interest in genres, and availability for the project.

💥 There may be more applications than needed for a single story and in a number of different genres. Should this be the case, we may host several story projects. These would be run and published consecutively rather than simultaneously.

How does it work?

💥 The selected participants will be invited into a discord server where they will have several channels for plotting and socialising.

💥 The actual story will be written using google docs. Writers are welcome to share comments and help each other with the editing.

💥 The publishing schedule will be fixed in advance. We aim for 2 to 3 chapters each week.

💥 To raise awareness for this event, we will use profile shoutouts from ambassador run profiles, author interviews (to be published on the hosting profile), and social media broadcasts.

💥 Once the story is finished and published, we will add all parts to an anthology on the hosting ambassador profile.

Did we kindle a spark of interest?

Great! We can't wait to work with you on this project. Keep in mind that this is not a contest. There are plenty of those on the ambassador run profiles. What we want to achieve here is a fun collaboration between Wattpad writers to the benefit of all.

Writer's Relay - A Writing CollabTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang