JSJ: Chapter 3

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"Soon??" I said as I raised an eyebrow at him.

My brother Robert decided to get me a brown soft medium-sized teddy bear that was holding a heart that said, "Get well soon."

But I'm already out of the hospital and I feel much better now???

"Ummm, well looks like you won't be needing it anytime SOON," he said as he took it out of my hands and placed it back in the pink gift-bag.

"For a refund, you know??" he smirked as I scoffed at his cheapness and lack of sympathy.

How dare he not give ME my teddy bear that he supposedly brought for ME??!


"Later Quinn," he said as he left my room in a rush before I could use my puppy eyes against him.

Damn, he's smart.


"Fine, fine I'm u-up already!!!" I said as I woke up from my mother's loud yelling across the other side of my door.

"Good. Now go take a shower quickly before you are late for school," Ruby, my mother reminded me.

Oh right.

It's a weekday.


I just got out of the hospital the very next day and they already expect me to go straight to school?!

Wow, life simply just isn't fair.


"Good morning class, today we have a new student!!" said Ms. Danielle, my 1st period teacher.

"I heard that it is a boy," whispered Jenna.

"Omigosh, I wonder if he is cuteee??" said a girl named Lilian.

"I wonder what color eyes he has," replied another girl named Brianna.

"Is he tall??" wondered Jimena.

Questions were heard all around the classroom, everyone was clearly very curious to know who this new kid was.

I didn't ask any questions...

But one question caught my attention.

"I bet he is a nerd!!"

You guessed it.


Well, who else did you expect??

The bird that just flew inside the classroom???

Wait a minute...

A bird?!?

A whole bird just flew in here!

"Eeeek, there is a bird in here!!!" yelled Jenna as she pointed at it.

"Omigosh, it just pooped on my desk!!" yelled Lilian in distress.

"Ewwww, gross!" replied Brianna while making gagging sounds.

"Class class, settle down!!!! It just flew out the window so can you please close it Quinn since you are the closest to it??" Ms. Danielle asked me.

"S-Sure," I replied, not knowing how hard it was going to be to close it.

It's just a window...

A school's window!!

I was VERY skinny and my bones were VERY weak so you can literally imagine the struggle I had to go through.

"Let me," said Justin who had put his hand over mines as we both closed the window shut.

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