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"Oh no, I look terrible." 

Like a typical representative of the fair sex, I ran to the room. I combed my hair, put on elegant trousers and a beige blouse. Meanwhile, I wrote a message asking him to give me two minutes.

When I left the block, I recognized Cosmo right away. This time he wasn't wearing a suit, but leather jacket and pants, and also combat boots - just as I remembered him the first time. He was sitting on a motorcycle, helmet under his arm, waiting for me. Except now, surprisingly, I thought it was sexy. He was appealing. At the same time, I understood why he knew Tom. They both rode motorbikes, it couldn't have been a coincidence.

"Hi," he said, smiling at me.

I didn't know how to say hello to him. Luckily he took the initiative and as soon as I was within arm's reach he grabbed me and pulled me to him.

"You take my number and then neither you call nor write," he whispered in my ear. "I understand that Tom's free now, but..."

"What?" I asked, blushing.

It happened. He figured out the puzzle. He knew I had a crush on Tom.

He kissed me briefly; it didn't even bother him that I wasn't very active in the kiss, still trying to calm down after the confession.

"It's not that," I muttered as he let me pull away a little. "I'm old-fashioned, I believe men should write first," I guess I made him laugh, because he burst into guffaw, handing the helmet over my head.

"Put it on, let's go for a ride," the moment he said it, I heard the sound of the motorbike. But it was not Cosmo's vehicle, his motorbike engine was off. I looked around, nearly suffering a heart attack. It was Tom.

Cosmo went numb. We were still too close to each other for me not to feel it. He didn't say anything, but I knew how it looked like, so I explained to him quickly:

"He knows Leon, my brother-in-law... It was Leon who invited him..."

Tom drove past us, parking right next to Cosmo's Kawasaki. He took off his helmet and turned off the engine. Suddenly it became very quiet on the street.

"Hey," he said, looking at me. Then he glanced at Cosmo. "Are you going somewhere?" he asked.

I knew him well enough to feel the disappointment in his voice.

"Yes, we will take a ride to the sea," said Cosmo brusquely. I moved a little, not daring to protest.

Sea? It's about 400 km... I thought in panic, trying to organize in my head tomorrow's lectures and classes that I would have to miss. Because we probably won't go to the seaside and come back right away... What about the luggage?

"Sea?" Tom was as surprised as I was. "Eliza won't be comfortable, wouldn't it be better to go to the lake? It's closer," he suggested but Cosmo had a different opinion.

"No. I have an apartment by the sea, we can stay there as long as we wish."

I didn't want to offend Cosmo, but I couldn't stay at the seaside for more than two days without clothes. Besides on Friday I had an important exam, so I had to learn for it since at least Wednesday. Nevertheless, I stood silent. I didn't want to reveal myself. Preferably, I would not go anywhere, as long as I could talk to Tom and make sure it was true that he had broken up with Barb.

"Ok then, but before you go, I want to talk to Eliza," Tom demanded, looking defiantly at Cosmo.

Cosmo seemed to want to tell him that we're in a hurry, but I was faster.

"Okay," I muttered, and blurted out to Cosmo. "I'll be right back."

Maybe I acted inelegant, but as soon as I saw Tom, all my feelings for him revived in me. I couldn't leave without talking.

We walked a few meters away so that Cosmo wouldn't hear us. I think someone even called him because I heard that he was talking to someone.

"How do you know him?" Tom began alsmost admonishingly. He frowned, visibly annoyed. "It's probably the worst type you could've chosen..."

"Don't say that, he helped me more than once," I was surprised that he lashed out at Cosmo in this way. To tell the truth, I didn't know much about him, and Tom's opinion meant a lot to me. "Is he dangerous?" I muttered quietly though.

I think he was touched by this question. He looked like he wanted to hug me, but he didn't. Instead he whispered:

"I don't want to scare you, if you feel comfortable with him." 

He was sad. I suspected he had accepted Leon's invitation to tell me about the breakup. But it was too late for that. I had to start my life without him, and I did. He was already late. If this conversation had taken place before the wedding on Saturday, probably our fate would have turned out differently, and now...

"Take care of yourself," he said in a tone of voice as if we were really never going to meet again. He hugged me, and even though Cosmo must have seen it, I didn't want him to let me go. I just loved him and if I had to go with him to the sea, I wouldn't pay attention to the days. I wouldn't care, the whole world wouldn't matter.

"You too," I murmured, a big lump in my throat, then walked back to Cosmo, taking the helmet from him.

"Are we going?" he asked happily.

"Yes," I nodded, trying to hide my misery.

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