"Well right now, I'm taking Animals by Maroon 5 and Centuries by Fallout Boy and putting them together into one track. Here, take a listen." He tapped on the spacebar without turning to look. After making contact, I heard the two infamous choruses clash together to create a lovely battle between Patrick Stump and Adam Levine. Although it did sound good, I wanted my damn food. Plus, it was probably getting cold by now.

"It sounds good, but I'm fucking hungry. And I want my damn food! So let's go Tyde!" I grabbed him by the arm. lifted him upward, and ushered him towards the door, all while Tyde whined in protest. We got past the door when he jerked his arm free from my grip. He rushed downstairs and he sat down with huff escaping him. He began loading up with food as I followed him and sat down.

"Tyde, what were you doing up there?" My mother asked, inquisitively.

"Jerking off." I responded with a smile on my face.

"Was not!" Tyde's face began to redden.

"Troye, don't say that! That's disgusting!" Mom said. She looked at me with anger in her eyes.

"Laurelle, honey, calm down. What Tyde does up there is none of our business." Dad said.

Tyde's face was tomato red at this point. Steele and Sage were cracking up from across the table as I suppressed a laugh.

"I was not jerking off!" Type responded.

"Tyde, just make sure to clear your browser history." Dad said. "Ain't that right, Steele?"

Steele's face went from laughing and tearing up to a straight face that began to redden.

Steele began to stutter. "Uh-um-duh..."

"Seriously, Steele?" I questioned him. Did he really watch porn?

"No, Dad's just joking." He quickly responded. I could just feel the heat coming off of his red skin. Shaking of the embarrassing conversation, I began to dig into my food like a madman.

"So Troye," My mom changing subjects, "are you excited for the Graceffa Teen Summer Camp?"

"Yeah! Caspar is excited too! I'm really excited to meet new people!" I said. I truly was excited. It seemed pretty fun. I know I'll enjoy getting to know people who will be in my cabin. Who knows? Maybe I'll meet my future husband there.

"Well I'm glad you're excited!" Mom said. "It beats just sitting around the house and doing nothing."

"Thats's debatable." I said with implied sarcasm. I didn't mean to seem like I didn't want to go, I was just sparking conversation.

Dinner went on normally. The table was consumed by small talk and not about Tyde's over-obsession with his hand. After a while, I asked Mom if I can get up from the table.

"Mhm, just put your plate in the sink and you'll be excused." She said, then stuck food into her mouth. As she commanded, I walked over to the sink and plopped my dishes into it with a satisfying klunk. I turned on my heels and made a beeline for my room upstairs. I ran up the stairwell, tackling two steps at a time. I finally made it to my room and just sank into my bed. I hadn't realized how tired I was until I got relaxed. I grabbed my laptop from my desk and began scrolling through Tumblr, looking for anything and everything entertaining.

In what felt like twenty minutes but was actually two hours, Steele appeared in my doorway.

"Do you knock?" I said, slightly annoyed.

He then began to sarcastically knock on my doorframe, just to make me more annoyed. He moved from his position in the doorway onto a seated position at the end of my bed. I sighed, then closed my laptop and set on my desk. I moved next to Steele sitting on the bed. He didn't even need for me to speak for me to begin.

"It was December eighth. At this time, I had began to...make myself throw up and skip meals." I shivered and began to tear up at what I said. "On this particular day, I had felt so much pain and depression that I couldn't hold back anymore. So, I took apart Dad's razor to get that blade and ran back into my room. I then began to-"

"Stop." Steele interrupted. At this point, my cheeks were on fire and I had hot tears running down my face. "I don't need details or a long, somber story. Scolding won't help you. The only thing I can really think to say is do you still do it?"

I had to think about this. I haven't done it since this past March. Except in mid-April. I jus had a little relapse. I'm still recovering, but that doesn't mean it won't happen again.

"Not anymore." I responded. Steele gave me a sympathetic smile and stood up.

"Come here." He opened his arms. I crashed into him with all of my weight and velocity. We stood there for a few seconds as I got my last few cries out. Steele squeezed me a little tighter before letting go. He stepped backwards towards the door.

"I can tell you're super tired. Get some rest. You're gonna need it in three days." Steele said. He was right. I was exhausted.

I climbed into bed as I heard Steele from the doorway. "Don't worry Troye. It's all safe with me."

"Thanks Steele." I whimpered.

"Just get some sleep right now." He said.

"Night Troye."

"Night Steele."

And with that, he closed my door. I looked into the darkness for a while with my heavy-set eyes. As soon as I heard everything settle in the house, I drifted off into sleep.
Hey guys.
Soo...story update.
I'm sorry this one kinda took a while. This one was a little longer than any other chapter. I worked really REALLY hard. But for you guys, it's worth it.

Sorry if there are typos, I just wanted to get this damn


I think that's all I have so....

I love you guys so much! ❤️

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