"How was your last day as a freshman, Troye?" Mom asked as she went back to chopping. I began to move over towards the dining table, seeing as dinner will be ready soon. I situated myself to the left of the opposite head of the table from where my dad was sitting.

"Uh, wasn't very eventful. Caspar said he's really excited to go to that camp. He said thanks to me for inviting him." I said with a monotone voice.

"Is he really that excited?" Steele asked me from the kitchen. He moved from his leaning position against the cabinets into the dining room seat right across from me. I noted that he's probably making casual conversation so he doesn't draw attention to my still shaken state from a couple minutes ago.

"Yeah, he is" was all I could muster. I was still worried about what might Steele say later on tonight. I don't know if he'll notify my parents or keep it a secret. Because although he's trustworthy and loving, he is a narc. Especially when it comes to serious things like this. He could potentially end my family life, which terrified me. I didn't want anyone to know at first, but Ms. Jones just noticed the way my body fluctuated from weight differences, and I also made a slip-up with my sleeve that hid the abominations on my skin.

"Troye, dinner won't be ready 'til six." Dad said looking from his newspaper. He looked at me with his eyes, which were piercing me like daggers.

I shoved myself away from the table and stood. I moved towards the stairs that led to my room. "I'll be up in my room then." I said, having silence as a response. I just figured they heard me. I got to the top of the stairs and entered my room. I looked at my bed and flopped onto it with no holding back. I hugged the comforters and shrunk into a curled position. I felt my eyes getting heavy as I sank deeper and deeper into my bed. I closed my eyes and drifted away.


"SAGE, TYDE, TROYE, DINNER'S READY!!" I heard Dad bellow from downstairs. I lifted my head from my sleeping position. I immediately began to yawn and stretch. I felt my back and neck crack and felt the release of the crack throughout my body. I sat up and wondered downstairs to the table. The food was all laid out. I saw my chair at the table was open next to Mom. I sat down as I began loading my plate with food. I also noticed that next to me was a vacant seat, which is where Tyde usually occupied.

"Where's Tyde?" I spoke to the table. Dad looked up from his ginormous plate of food and looked over at the empty chair.

"Well that's weird. Tyde is usually first at the table. Troye, go check his room." Dad ordered. With a condescending sigh, I moved from my seated position and moved towards the stairwell. I got at the top of the stairs and heard music emanating from his room. I opened his door to find him on his Mac with turntables on his screen, moving clockwise. He was at his desk, bouncing to the rhythm of the music. I could distinctly hear the chorus of a Maroon 5 song play. I shook Tyde out of his musical daze. He flinched for a second, but then he turned around and looked at me. He pressed the spacebar on his computer and made the computerized records scratch to a halt.

"What the hell are you doing in here? Come on, dinner's ready." I exclaimed, wanting to get back to the glorious heaven that waited for me downstairs.

"Can you just give me a second? I wanna get this recorded and finalized." He explained. HIs eyes were full-on puppy eyes and pleadingly looked at me. He spoke to me with a lot of confidence and ambition, like how I speak about music writing or how Caspar speaks about choreography. I could tell he was really invested in what he was doing.

"Um, sure, but what exactly are you doing here?" I dared to ask. I knew that if I asked, it would be less time I'd spend with tonight's dinner. But, I was curious.

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