Start from the beginning

"Will you tell me what you have planned" he moans and I shake my head as I begin to pull on his arm again, he finally gives in a follows beside me.

I slide my key down the door and open it, I allow Jimin in first and lock the door behind us. I walk over to the bathroom and plop the plug into the drain, as I use my other hand to turn on the hot water. I drizzle bubblegum bubble bath into the base of the tub as water slowly starts to fill up. "What are you doing?" He asks me as he enters the en-suite.

"You'll see" I smile as I start taking off my clothes, he bites his lip as his eyes travel up and down my body. I stay in my underwear as I walk over to Jimin and begin to unbutton his white fitted shirt, I slip it down his arms as I gently run my fingers along his skin.
"Are we bathing together ?" He asked me finally clicking onto my plan. I nod my head and begin to unbutton his jeans, now let me add this will be the first time I've seen him fully naked as we haven't... yeah you get the idea. He kicks off his shoes and slips off his jeans, along with his socks and boxers. I refuse to look down at his lower half as I want that to weirdly enough be a surprise for when we do finally... oh you know !! Have sex. He climbs into the tub and scoots back as he waits for me to join him, I slip my hair into a bun and unfasten my bra. I swiftly take it and my panties off before climbing into the soothing warm water. I sit between Jimin's legs as I lay back and snuggle into his chest, he wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"You're perfect you know that" he hums to me which makes me blush.

"Thanks.. but you're the one who's too good for me. Even the fans think so" I say sourly knowing that he hates when I take bad about myself.

"Hey!! Stop that!! I think you're perfect and I love spending time with you. Forget what the fans think I'm the one who's in love with you not them" he yells slightly and I give him a nod of my head. I take a huge pile of bubbles into my hands and blow into them as they fall out of my hand; I hear Jimin laugh from behind me as he squeezes me in his arms.

"I love you too" I reply and look up at him, he kisses my forehead and gives me a cute smile. I take the sponge from the side and squirt some of my strawberry body wash onto it. I sit up and slowly turn around to face my handsome boyfriend. He sits up and I leather the soupy substance onto his perfectly toned chest and abs, I feel my face heat up as I check out his body properly. He's a lot more handsome than I had originally thought but at least he's mine. I run the sponge along his arms, I get him to turn round so I can clean his back and the nape of his neck.

"You're forgetting my legs," he says and I roll my eyes at him, he lifts his leg out of the water and lays it on the side of the bath, I let out a giggle as I rub the soapy liquid up and all over his legs; I do the other one and he dunks his legs back into the water.

"You're one of a kind" I joke and he just playfully splashed me with the water, he takes the sponge from my hand and douces more of my body wash onto it and begins to scrub my body. I watch him tense slightly as he gets to my chest, I go to take the sponge from his hand but he pulls it away and then rubs it along my bare breasts as his cheeks blush bright red. Awee blesses him... he's such a little cutie. He soaks the sponge in the bath to get rid of the bubble and drizzles the warm water over my body to get rid of them. I lay back into his chest as he gently runs his fingers along my arms, it tickles slightly but it's also soothing.

"I'm glad you came into my life when you did," he says as he begins to draw shapes on my shoulder.

"Why's that?" I ask him curiously, as strokes his thigh in the water.

"Because before I met you I felt sort of lost like I didn't really know if what I was doing was for me or the fan but now I realise that it was for us both, the fans love my music and I also love making music but you're just given me more of a reason to do well because I want you to now be proud of me and I want to become the man you want me to be" he explains and I feel my mouth hang open slightly. Wow. He's not normally this deep.

"Oh... I am proud of you Jimin and you're more of a man than I deserve" I say not knowing what else to say after that, he's left me sort of speechless.
"I'm glad you're proud of me Tash. I can't wait for you to meet my family" he says openly and again my mouth hangs open.. he wants me to meet his family... wow he's wanting to get serious with me.

"I already know my sister loves you and I'm almost positive my mam will love you too" I reply with a smile as I realise how much I miss them. I sit up abruptly and turn to him, I lean over and grab the shampoo and condition from the side and shuffle back toward the taps. I make a turn round sign with my hands and he obeys. He leans back into my chest as I begin to drizzle water over his hair, I notice his roof coming through.

"You're due to dye your hair again" I smile and he nods his head. Once his hair is completely away, he sits up and I squeeze a small amount of shampoo onto his pink hair and massage it into his scalp. He lets out a little moan as I dig my nails in a little more, he always loves it when I play with his hair before we fall asleep. I rinse the shampoo from his hair and start on the conditioner. Once his hair is all fresh and clean, I allow him to wash mine.

"I do love you, Tash," he says as he dollops the condition onto my hair.

"I love you too ChimChim" I smile. I do love you.

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