Chapter 7 The Auburn Haired Boy

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"You guys all come across as to be in grief... As if someone had died," you lightly chuckled and look back at Helen.

Helen let out a small laugh with a dark but, pitiful expression, "Actually, you're not wrong."

Your eyes widen as you quickly shot your head up to face Helen. You didn't assume that you would be right about what you said.


"Not long before we stumbled across you. We were attacked by bandits. And during the fight Alice had lost her son from falling off the cliff," Helen explained.

"I see... I apologize for asking."

"It's okay. It's not like you would have known," Alice smiled as she came up to the both of you. You held your breath as Alice sat next to you. While Helen quietly sneaked away from you two. Your eyes pleaded for Helen to come back but were to no avail. With hesitation, you peeked at Alice who hadn't even glanced your way yet,

"Sorry... I did not mean to pry into your guys' life."

Alice glanced up at you and softly spoke, "It's fine... It's just a lot to take to in when you're son has died."

You looked away and gazed back at the fire. You watched it softly flicker in the air. There was a small moment of quietness as she appeared lost in thought.

"My son, Arthur was a clever boy and just as mature as you, Red," she sighed. "He was also stupidly reckless and brave."

She veered around to face you with tears rolling down her face. She chuckled in a disheartening way, "You know when he was at the age of two, he exploded our house."

"What...?" Your jaw dropped in disbelief. (There is no way... How could he do something like that?)

"He was such a strong boy. I wished you had gotten to know him," she chortle. "You probably would've gotten along with him."

You responded with a small hum.

"Probably..." you whispered.

Not long after, the group and you made it to Xyrus City. It's been a few days since you've been with the group and they have taken care of you. You found out that Helen was the leader of the group. Another thing you found out was that Alice was pregnant with Reynold's baby. You had gotten along and were a bit close with the Twin Horns party. But it was now time to depart from them.

You have gotten out of the wagon and were with the rest of the group. You bowed down and thanked them, "Thank you for your hospitality for the last few days. I do not know how ever I could thank you for your generosity. So please, if you ever require anything come by to the Goodsky's Residence."

"The Goodsky's Residence...?" Alice questioned.

But before she could say something else, you quickly handed over Alice a pendant of the symbol of Goodsky's Residence. After you bowed down, you waved goodbyes and turned around to head to the Adventure's Guild. You heard the Twin Horns party shout their goodbyes behind you as you whispered yours,

"So long, Twin Horns..."

You had already accumulated your rewards from your quest and were on your way out the door from Adventurer's Guild. Once you had opened the doors, a lady in a maid's outfit appeared in front of you.

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