Chapter 6 Meet The Twin Horns Party

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Not too far from you, you hear chatter ahead of you. You felt the auras of an Emitter, a few Conjurers, and a couple of Augmenters not too far away from you. It seemed that they had just come out of a huge fight as they were walking on the dirt road. Your vision began to blurry as more blood begin to seep out of your clothes. You recognize that they appeared to be heading in the same direction as you were. You gradually came up to them and reached out a hand as they all glanced at you.

"Please help me.." You softly begged. Your eyes proceeded to feel heavy while your body dropped down like a dead weight into the arms of someone.


You were shortly woken by the distinct discomfort below your waist. You peeked a glance at the woman and saw a brown-haired lady sitting next to you. She had a distinct auburn hair that flowed to the back of her shoulders and was tied into loose pigtails. Her big and soft brown eyes looked down at the wound that was on your stomach. That she had slowly healed with her hands. You groaned softly from your sore and bruised body.

The lady was surprised to see that you were awake and spoke, "You're awake... I was afraid you wouldn't make it."

"Who are you?" Your voice was hoarse. You were clearing your throat while you painfully tried to get up. The giant red cloak shuffled around you while you held onto your hood. The lady's brows furrowed as she bit her lips.

"Seriously, I can't believe an adventurer who's a child is out here and in these woods. Don't you know how dangerous it is?"


"You shouldn't even be out here at night! I mean you were completely injured everywhere! Honestly, I don't know how you even manage to survive!"

"What—?" your voice croaked as you caressed your throat.

The lady got up and grabbed a cup nearby you. Your eyes widen in shock and lost to what had happened. She had completely ignored you from your lost of thought and gotten the wooden cup on top of the barrel, to hand it to you, "Here, drink."

You reluctantly take the cup from her hands to drink it. Just before the cup reached your face, you realized you still had your black cloth mask covering half of your face. You decided you didn't need a drink and you placed the cup back down on your lap. You glance at the woman who seems to be filled with sorrow.

"I apologize for my behavior earlier. My name is Alice."

Before speaking you cleared your throat and glanced at Alice, "Ah... No, it's fine..."

Alice hadn't been looking at you but at something else. Like she was lost in the moment, in her own mind. She still seemed upset or as a matter of fact, she seemed to be in grief. But it didn't change the impeccable truth that she seemed to be upset with you. Or maybe she was more upset about herself. Upset with the reality she couldn't stop something or someone. You glanced at the cup and cleared your throat once more,

"Thank you for your hospitality, my name is Red."

Alice had broken her trance of thought and looked up at you.

"Hm? Oh, right..." Alice had cleared her mind of whatever she had been thinking of and went changed her focus onto you, "How are you feeling?"

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