Thunder Booms and Lightning Strikes

Start from the beginning

"What-"another hard slap on his right cheek, abruptly cut off whatever Keep Wing was going to say. Before he can recover, Alcione grabbed him by the lapels of his shirt and roughly dragged his face near hers, that he can clearly see every freckle she has and the shinning gold in her angry eyes.

"Next time you do that, giving me a heart attack with your damn magic or whatever you people "normally" do here in this world, without any warning, I am going to kill you... Got it?" Alcione gritted, face so close to his.

"Capisce." Keep Wing answered. His mind went blank in the unexpectedness of Alcione's actions.

Alcione let go of him and took a few steps back away, when a blast of black mist exploded somewhere in the front yard of Keep Wing's house. Tendrils of the mist swirled up towards the roof of the house and crawled through the ground around the house towards the back, Keep Wing and Alcione stared at it with wide eyes. Soft whispers and moans of longing and seeking can be heard from the dark mist. Seeking for Alcione.

"Run!" Keep Wing shouted at Alcione.

"Oh no, not again!" Alcione exclaimed as she turned her back to the mist and ran, with Keep Wing running almost beside her, towards the trees and tall shrubs into the forest beyond.

Keep Wing and Alcione ran through the forest as the mist, getting the scent of the young girl the Dark Lord is coming for, swiftly chased after them, it's moaning and shrieking echoing through the forest. Alcione breath gushes out with force as she felt her body tire from running in the soft, muddy and uneven terrain of the forest.

She looked back and moaned with fear as shapes and forms of horrible creatures emerged in the mist, running fast, making the ground shake, some jumping from one tree to another, shaking the trees while some were toppled down.

"How... how can a mist, an air, make the ground shake and topple trees?"Alcione furiously exclaimed.

"Don't look, just run!" Keep Wing commanded.

She let out a semblance of a growl as she pushed herself to run beyond her limit.

A part of the mist, which formed into a long legged creature that is jumping from the trees ahead of them, jumped in the air, arms and claws outstretched towards Alcione's shocked face. Keep Wing raised his hand and pointed at the creature-mist. A streak of lightning shot down from the stormy sky and through the creature, making the creature shriek and evaporate in the air before it can grab at Alcione.

Alcione tumbled to the ground from the shock-wave of the lightning, she watched as the lightning coursed through Keep Wing's body, instead to the ground, which prevented her from getting electrified.

Keep Wing, upon seeing Alcione staring wide eyed at him, snarled and with two big strides, was upon her. "What the hell are you staring for, you stupid girl! Run!" Keep Wing shouted as he grabbed Alcione up from the ground and pushed her ahead of him, as he turned and pointed towards the giant mist-creature already upon him, sending another streak of lightning to the thing and evaporating it.

Light illuminates between the trees, briefly swallowing the suffocating darkness of the forest as Keep Wing points at every dark creature that formed from the mist and chasing and grabbing at them, sending streaks of lightning at each of the creatures. The shrieks and painful moans of the creatures drowned, for a moment the sound of the raging storm, as each lightning strike hits its target. But as one creature-mist evaporates, another replaces it, more humongous and terrifying than the last. Alcione can hear the ragged breath of Keep Wing as the running and the summoning of lightning is beginning to tire him and slow him down.

No... this can't be... she thought as she stopped in her tracks when she saw Keep Wing tumble to the ground, as a winged creature-mist slammed at him. He immediately stands up and sent a streak of lightning down, hitting the creature-mist as it flew back towards him.

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