Chapter 10

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Atta was presented with an intangible mess of information from the other side of the screen.

He picked up the information and moved into the house where Mary was currently giving birth.

He looked at the mess a bit apprehensive. 

"Even if mundane, my creations are my creations, having to condemn one to death like now is sad no matter what." He approached the blonde woman who was screaming with heavenly might while ignoring the absolute chaos in the room, including Tabi who was crying rivers.

As he walked towards Mary, the head of his future hero was already out. He uploaded Grace's information inside the body of the infant.

Like a vacuum cleaner, the empty void inside the child's body absorbed Grace, who was gradually getting comfy in her new body.

Atta immediately returned to the Heavenly Gate and sat on his cloud throne.

Noelin noticed Atta's return and questioned "How  the digitalization occurred your majesty?"

"Fine, I guess" Atta retorted. Trying his best to hide the shock from his emotions at Mary.


3 months Later. 

As expected, when Grace was born mary didn't endure the strain of having her code terminated, and soon died, it wasn't possible to describe her death as "Peaceful" since there was blood everywhere, but she at least she felt no pain.

Tabi was desperate after the loss of his wife, he had lost the love of his life, and without anyone to give her the proper nutrition he now took the risk of losing his daughter too!

Luckily ,if you could call that luck, during the same period, a neighboring village was attacked by orcs and a few refugees reached the village Tabi was in. As the most influential person there Tabi took them in, feelings of empaty from the time his home village was destroyed blinding him of better judgement. 

Soon food came short and giving it for free became unviable, so people started taking jobs! And one of these people that needed a job was Amelia.

Amelia was a middle aged woman, she was curvy with a pale skin, in contrast with her long pitch black hair and eyes.

She reached for Tabi and conveniently offered her services as a wet nurce.

Second her, her husband sacrificed his life to let her and their daughter escape. When she was accepted in the village she struggled to settle in, not only the people were different, but she had no house, clothes and the food was becoming scarce. 

A few days earlier she heard rumors the man that had taken them in, Tabi, had lost his wife while giving birth to their first daugther, and had been feeding her with cow milk, that had only barely worked util now.

There were no other children in the village except for Her daugther and  his, so she figured she had to at least give her shot.

There was not much negotiation from her part, she would do house work and take care of his daughter while he was gone, but he had to give her shelter and pay a minumun wage.

With no hesitation, Tabi accepted the proposal. Not only was he free to move around, now he had someone to take care of his dauhgter and feed her.

With his new found freedom Tabi decided to investigate the attack on Amelia's village. He took a few horses, some mage companions and off he went.

To his surprise the place wasn't as much of a mess as he expected. He moved in the direction Amelia had told him her house was and when he got there, nothing special, just another demolished building, but there was something he wanted inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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