Chapter 3

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'... Just as i expected...' Atta though. In a common situation, he would be restless with the sigh, with heavy breathing and unstable hearth beat. But he was calm, completely casual, like everything that was happening was just the natural, calling for Noelin was just like calling anyone else.

Noelin started to get out of the rift she made and everything was going smoothly until she stoped when she reached her waist. "Hm?" She grunted. "HMMMMMMGGGHHH!!" Noelin forced her waist, but it just barely worked.

Atta was speechless, he looked at the scene agape unnable to mutter anything, except for a single word that he unconsciously muttered.


Noelin strugled and squirmed on the rift before finally getting free of the rift with an audible "Pop"

Noelin patted her clothes once and coughed in embarrassment before she flicked her finger to close the rift and floated down to Atta

"I-I am sorry your majesty. God, that was embarassing"

Atta shook his head. "No harm done, no apologize needed." He reassured her. 'Also that was kinda the blessed sigh to the eyes if i had to be honest...'

Atta waved those thoughs off and continued "Anyway. Noelin" atta crossed his arms on his back "Did you do something to me?" He asked seriously.

Noelis noticed the rigidity on Atta's tone and became worried.

"Eh? Eh? No, i swear Young Noelin didnt do anything! Noelin just did as your majesty asked!"

Atta frowned.

"What i told you?" He was confused. 'Does she not know anything?' he then remmebered the light that came out of his room. "The light you let out earlier, i never saw you do that. What did you do!" Atta stared at Noelin with a demanding eyes. Little did he know that by just wanting to just angry, all the light around him disappeared and his eyes glowed golden, releasing a golden aura around his body.

Noelin was now sure she had done something wrong, she didn't know what, but she obviously was in trouble. 

She fell to the ground, trembling stuttering for air. After some time gasping for air she gathered some courage and spoke at once.

"Young Noelin promisses, she havent done anything! His majesty said he would deal with the human contry by hiself, so Noelin brought him here! And since his majesty doesn't come around that often Young Noelin though it was a good idea to test your new blessing!"

'Blessing?' Atta felt the situation was getting ever more confusing, so Atta decided to ask a final question.

".... When did you receive this new "Blessing" you speak of...?" And he slowly started to dispell his aura

Noelin looked up confused.

"Yo-Young Noelin thinks she received it about 2 hours ago...?"

Atta was stunned. 'Exactly when i finished programming Noelin...'

'what the hell is this?! How come a simple 300 lines of code have to so with this?'

But at that though, he had a random realisation. Like for some reason, he knew exactly why it was like that.

'...No, it isnt only 300 lines of code. Its not a part of the code that caused this, but the whole thing! I have been programming Noelin, and everything that came before her, for more than 7 years, sinse i was 18 years old! All my mobs have much more than 5 million codes each, but from all of them, Noelin has the most lines of code, totalizing 20 million lines of code...'

Atta sweat dropped.

'could it be, has Noelin surpassed the realm of only virtual, and her code started to actually affect the real world?' Atta looked over Noelin, who was staring at his anxiously 'Could she, not simply put me here.... But she could actually have created a new, fisical world?!'

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