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Kaycee's POV 

Wow, I must be good at hiding secrets. Sean Lew is my friend for a month now and no one knows. This must be a talent. Do you get any jobs with this skill? "Kayc, seriously which one looks better on meee?" Tahani whined. "Not again Kaycee. Stop going to Kaycee's land," Bailey said while smacking my head, then went ahead to help Tahani with her outfit. "Oww," I yelped. I swear bailey should stop hitting me. "Bailey, do that one more time and I will rip your head off you hear me," I threatened her. She looked at me with wide eyes and held her head. "Damn Kayc, violence," she said. "Second, I wasn't in Kaycee land. I was just thinking about Sea-," I stopped myself after realizing I was about to say Sean's name. Maybe I'm not good at keeping secrets after all. "Who?" both Tahani and Bailey ask in sync. FUGNUGGETS! I messed up. Jesus Kayc, seriously. Okay, now I got to make up something on the spot. Problem is, I suck at doing that. "Kaycee, don't leave us hanging," Tahani said while looking at her reflection to fix her make up. God, please help me get out of this. "KAYCEE!! YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!" my brother yelled from downstairs. THANK YOU DEVON. I really love my brother. he knows when to save me even when he doesn't know I need saving. " OH SHOOT," we yelled and took our bag and ran downstairs and got in Devon's car. Yes, Devon drives us to school. I swear I will talk about my siblings one day. I'm just glad that both Tahani and Bailey forgot about the situation. 

I was hoping to bump into Sean. I need to tell him that I can't keep our friendship as a secret anymore. That's why when I was in the car, I thought of an idea. What if Sean makes it up with the whole friend group. Aren't I a genius? I saw Sean at the hallway and quickly pulled him in the storage room before any of my friends saw me. In fact, before anyone saw me. "We need to talk Sean," I said to him. He looked a little bit shock. Who wouldn't be. We are in a storage room. "Kayc, did someone hurt you?" Sean asked with concerned written all over his face. Damn, this boy is the sweetest. "What, no. No one hurt me, Sean. I need to talk to you becaus-" I was cut off by Sean. "I don't want to hear it then," he said while putting his hand up and looking the other way. I will take back the compliment I gave him 10 seconds ago. "I'm just glad you're not hurt," he continued, then drop his hand and stare back at me. His big brown eyes looking right through my Hazel eyes. Does he know what he's doing to me? I will give back the compliment. "SEAN," I whispered yell so no one from outside can hear me. "You got to listen to me. I can't keep our friendship a secret anymore," I said to him. Why did I made it sound like we were secretly dating? Kaycee, do better next time. Sean just looked at me, didn't make a sound or movements. DID HE SPACED OUT!? what the fugsnugget! "Sean, are you listening?" I asked him, hoping that he will say yes. He nodded. THANK THE STARS! "I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore. I mean I was a douche," he then said. OH NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT. Wait, why am I telling this in my thoughts. God Kaycee, you're a mess. "No, that's not what I meant," I quickly said before he thinks that's what I'm implying because of the silence. "I meant make it up to your friends, Sean," I said. He looked at me and did a small smile. Then he joked "What friends?". Even if he's joking, I can still tell his in pain. I mean if my friends stop talking to me, it'll shatter me too. "You know who," he definitely knew I was talking about Julian and Josh. They were close friends. "I can't Kaycee, they won't even look at me. I betrayed them, I betrayed you," he said with his eyes watering up. "I know, but there is no time for you to pity yourself. Try, Sean. They are not bad people," I comfort him. Then the unexpected thing happen. Sean was crying in front of me. Okay, that was expected. But what was not expected is that he hugged me. He scent coming up through my nostrils. Kinda smelled like mint. Why do I like this warmth feeling?? Oh no Kaycee, snap out of it and comfort Sean please. We hugged for a few minutes until we heard the doorknob twisting. I immediately knew it was Josh Price. Mainly because I heard him say "Kayc, are you here?". I didn't know what to do so i panicked and push Sean out of the way, hoping he would get the memo to hide, which he did. He hid behind the door. "Kaycee, there you are. We have been worried sick, plus you missed your first two periods," Josh said, clearly showing that he was worried. Damn, the bell went twice and i didn't even notice. How sad is that? Sean was still looking at us dementedly . I needed to signal this man to get out of the storage room or things are going to be messy. Sean slowly tiptoe his way out, trying not to make any noise, and also trying to stop the door for making a lot of noise. Now let me tell you something, if Someone tiptoe in a kinda dark room what would happen... them eventually making noises right? The same thing happened with Sean. Since he have small space to move, because the door was already open, and it was dark, Sean accidentally kicked the door and stubbed his toe. I could tell he was holding the pain. It was quite hilarious. Unfortunately, Josh heard the noise. So the smart idea at the moment that i had, was when before Josh could turn his head, i took his head and... this is embarrassing... and... hold on to your chairs, and i ... almost there, I SMASH MY HEAD AGAINST HIS HEAD AND WE BOTH FELL. Did i mention that i was a genius... i will take it back. Sean took that opportunity and ran like a millrace. That boy didn't even check on me. That son of a bitc- "KAYCEE!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR!??" Josh sounded piss. i nervously laughed and said "For fun". Clearly a big mistake. He looked like flames were coming out of his head. If looks can kill, then I would been ashes by now. "YOU'RE DEAD MEAT KAYCEE RICE!!" that was the last thing i heard from Josh before i ran for my life. At least he doesn't know the secret yet. I'm relief.


I looked at my selfie camera on my phone just to notice a red bump on my forehead. Great. This is all my fault. I didn't even sit with my friends at lunch because I'm worried that Josh is still mad at me. Now i'm sitting at the stairways, all alone. "Wow, that looks pretty bad. Here let me help you," he said. I didn't even need to look back to tell who it was. Sean Lew. He's always there. That's what I like about him. He's always there when his friends need him the most. Looks like he learnt from his mistake, so why don't my friends see that. Why do we like to talk crap about  him? Why can't we forgive him? He's clearly not happy either. He put the alcohol that he brought on a cotton and started to tap my forehead, where the bump is. I wince in pain. "OWW!" I yelled.  "I'm sorry Kaycee. Cause of me, this happen to you. And i should of checked on you, but i didn't want you to get in trouble. Afterall, your friend Josh don't seem to be quite fond of me," he said. he always know what to say to make me laugh. And if he knows how to make jokes, so do I. "This is nothing compared to getting pounced by a coyote," i joked and that made him laugh. Great success. "Oh Kayc, before i forget, Happy friendiversary," he said while handing me a box of my favorite chocolate, Lindt. Did i mention that he was sweet...yes? Oh. "Oh no, i didn't get you any gifts. I'm sorry," i apologized to him. "Don't say sorry. You're already a gift," he said then winked at me. Did anyone got the butterflies... WAIT WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT! "Aww, how sweet of you," i said while looking down because i don't want him to see me blush. "Okay Kaycee, i got to get going. i have dance rehearsal. So i will facetime you tonight, like usual," he said and didn't give me the chance to say bye, he walked away. I don't know what i'm feeling with Sean but i'm not complaining. i stood up and walked back home before it could turn dark.

author notes: this took a week to do and as some people know, my attention spam is not good. but i hope you enjoy and spelling mistake will occur so sorry about that. anyways bye

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